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Wireless Networks This section Contain : 1) Wireless Basics. 2) Bluetooth. 3) Wi-Fi. 4) Wi-Fi Equipment. 5)Wi-Fi Setup.

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2 Wireless Networks

3 This section Contain : 1) Wireless Basics. 2) Bluetooth. 3) Wi-Fi. 4) Wi-Fi Equipment. 5)Wi-Fi Setup.

4 Wireless Basics * A wireless network doesn’t contain cables to transport data between devices. * We use the router to connect devices in wireless net work. * The wireless network transport data by the microwaves or infrared light. * Wireless network doesn’t have safety because the data are sent like magnetic so the professional people could know the data are sent.

5 Wireless Basics The wireless network slower than the wire lan in transporting data because it depend on the weather around the place.

6 Bluetooth It was a wireless network technology take short ranges and it was connect the electronic devices, without wires like the Bluetooth that is in the mobile phone and Laptops. There are many types for the Bluetooth : 1) 100 miliwatt 100 meters 2) 2.5 miliwatt 10 meters 3) 1 miliwatt 1 meter.

7 Bluetooth Security in Bluetooth : 1) Encryption. 2) Password. 3) Change frequencies in the range where the spreading equipment to change the frequency 1600 times/s.

8 Wi-Fi * Is a technology for linking computers in a wireless operating according to standard IEEE802.11. * Wireless networking technologies that are compatible with Ethernet. * MIMO technology uses two or more antennae to send multiple sets of signals.

9 Wi-Fi equipment * The devices and the electronic machine want equipment to connect with Wi-Fi network like a Wi-Fi card and should to install it in your computer. * Wireless network setup. * Wireless ad-hoc network. * Wireless infrastwcture net. * Wireless access point. * Wireless router.

10 Wi-Fi Setup * Setup the router. * Connect to the router with a computer. * Configure the router. * Access the router setup utility. * Create a new router password.

11 Wi-Fi setup * Enter an SSID for the network. * Activate WEP, WPA or WAPZ and create an encryption key. * Setup the wireless workstation. * Connect an internet access devices.


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