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Reflection #4 My Strengths. my STRENGTHS are…  Achiever –Executing Strength  Focus –Executing Strength  Competition –Influencing Strength  Responsibility.

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Presentation on theme: "Reflection #4 My Strengths. my STRENGTHS are…  Achiever –Executing Strength  Focus –Executing Strength  Competition –Influencing Strength  Responsibility."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reflection #4 My Strengths

2 my STRENGTHS are…  Achiever –Executing Strength  Focus –Executing Strength  Competition –Influencing Strength  Responsibility –Executing Strength  Futuristic –Strategic Thinking

3 My Personality I have always been the type of person who gets things done. I like to be ahead of schedule, rather than procrastinate. When I set my mind to something, I go at it with full force. I am also very competitive, losing is not something that sits well with me. I try not to be a “sore loser” but sometimes I just can’t help it! I have always been responsible. I feel as if my life has become very structured in order for me to fulfill all of my duties. I also constantly think about the future. I have my future planned out, but at the same time I am willing to accept that it could change at any moment.

4 My Life  Most of my accomplishments come from my strengths. I am very competitive, and played every sport in High School all four years. My coaches gave me the Purple Heart Award for being so active in sports. I also got to help out a lot with Senior Prom by decorating which was a huge responsibility! I was inducted into National Honor Society, and for me that was a huge accomplishment. Co-Captains NHS Induction Regional Finalists Senior Prom First Place Mile-Relay Purple Heart Award

5 How I have used my strengths in leadership situations:  I was Co-Captain of the cheer team in high school, and we got to paint signs to put in all of the hallways. We also got to paint a HUGE run- through for the football players to “run-through” before every game. I was the person who got to design the sign and come up with the themes! I also got to coordinate different dances for us to do at pep rallies!  This example really ties in all 5 of my strengths because becoming co- captain was a goal that I achieved. Coordinating dances really took focus and “futuristic” thought. Try-outs for co-captain were very competitive, and along with that position came a lot of responsibility. Especially when it came down to having to get 10 signs painted within 1 week.

6 How do your strengths inform your leadership practice?  I think that my strengths are what make me a good leader. Especially the achievement and responsibility strengths. Ch. 11 in our book talks about Self-awareness and it says, “Self- awareness refers to the personal insights of the leader. It is not an end in itself but a process in which individuals understand themselves, including their strengths and weaknesses, and the impact they have on others.” I think that it is very important that we have an understanding of what our strengths are in order to use them to their full potential. When I got my results back I wasn’t shocked at all. In fact, it made so much sense to me. I realized that my strengths are what make my leadership qualities unique. I definitely don’t think that I am perfect in any way, but I do think that these qualities make me who I am, and into the leader I strive to be.

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