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Warm Up What is a cladogram? 1. 2 Bacteria Structure and Function.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up What is a cladogram? 1. 2 Bacteria Structure and Function."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up What is a cladogram? 1

2 2 Bacteria Structure and Function

3 3 Eubacteria Vs. Archaebacteria Eubacteria –Larger kingdom –Live almost everywhere –Cell wall/membrane Archaebacteria –May be ancestors of eukaryotes –Live in harsh conditions

4 4 Bacteria are Prokaryotes Identified by –Shapes –Chemical nature of cell wall –Movement –How obtain energy

5 5 Shapes Bacillus: Rod shaped Coccus: Spherical (round) Spirilla: Spiral shape

6 6

7 7 Bacterial Cell

8 8 Flagella May have one or more than one Used for movement

9 9

10 10 Staphylococcus Bacterial zWnwJE&safety_mode=true&persist_saf ety_mode=1

11 11 How they get energy…. Photo-heterotrophs - use sun & organic molecules (molecules with CARBON) Photo-autotrophs - use sun only Chemo-heterotrophs - take in organic molecules for energy AND Carbon Chemo-autotrophs - take in organic molecules from CO2 using energy from chemical reaction

12 12 Bacterial SEX Conjugation – - tranfer DNA from one bacteria to another Binnary Fission – - Splits in half Spore formation – -form spores that last a long time; difficult to destroy

13 13 Pili in Conjugation

14 14 Binary Fission E. coli

15 15 SOME USES OF BACTERIA Nitrogen Fixation –Helps plants digest molecules Oil Spills –Exxon Valdez Oil Spill


17 Warm Up Bacteria that are rod shapped are also called_________ ____ 17

18 18 VIRUSES NOT considered alive Made of… –DNA or RNA core –Protein coat (capsid)

19 19 SHAPES Many shapes……

20 20 Bacteriophage…. Bacteriophage….what the heck??????? Virus that infects bacteria.

21 How you get the flu! – GShQ&feature=related GShQ&feature=related 21

22 22 VIRAL INFECTIONS LYTIC CYCLE –Enters cell –Makes copies –Causes cell to burst LYSOGENIC CYCLE –Enters cell –Goes dormant (chills out for a while – could be months or years) –Goes into Lytic Cycle when awakes…….

23 Warm UP Which virus attacks only bacterial cells? 23

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