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THE HARMFUL EFFECTS OF ELECTRO MAGNETIC RADIATION presented by Professor Daniel Massa Social Affairs Committee Meeting Tuesday 22 May 2012 Diskuss diga.

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Presentation on theme: "THE HARMFUL EFFECTS OF ELECTRO MAGNETIC RADIATION presented by Professor Daniel Massa Social Affairs Committee Meeting Tuesday 22 May 2012 Diskuss diga."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE HARMFUL EFFECTS OF ELECTRO MAGNETIC RADIATION presented by Professor Daniel Massa Social Affairs Committee Meeting Tuesday 22 May 2012 Diskuss diga 10 ta’ Marzu 2010 Daniel Massa: 21522838 email: Daniel Massa: 21522838 email: Contact: Ian Paul Bajada 25596336 : email: Contact: Ian Paul Bajada 25596336 : email: 1

2 Għażel! Fejn taħseb li ser jintlaqtu wliedna? Nafu x’qegħdin nagħmlu? 2

3 Iddiskutejna dil-mistoqsija diġa, imma 26 xahar wara xorta għadna ma nafux x’aħa nagħmlu. Kollox baqa’ ta’ taħt fuq! Meta se nibdew nużaw moħħna? Iddiskutejna dil-mistoqsija diġa, imma 26 xahar wara xorta għadna ma nafux x’aħna nagħmlu. Kollox baqa’ ta’ taħt fuq! Meta se nibdew nużaw moħħna? 3 April 3 2009 in Australia: "Wake Up Call" VIDEO 14 minutes). "Wake Up Call" This is largely a profile of John Bryant,who blames his brain tumour on electromagnetic radiation. Excerpt from transcript--- His neurosurgeon, Charles Teo, says: Charles Teo "If the question is do I believe that mobile phones are harmful ? I sayI'm incredibly worried, concerned, depressed at the number of kids I'm seeing coming in with b rain tumors. Malignant brain tumors.Just in the last three or four weeks I've seen nearly half a dozen kids with tumours which really should have beenbenign and they've all been nasty, very nas ty malignant brain tumors.We’re doing something terribly wrong."

4 ħħi qabel nibda nuża il-mobile. Fuq il-lemin ħħi jew ħħok wara biss tlettax il- minuta fuq il-mobile. Fuq ix-xellug moħħi qabel nibda nuża il-mobile. Fuq il-lemin moħħi jew moħħok wara biss tlettax il- minuta fuq il-mobile.

5 Mobiles nużawhow jekk irridu imma l-base stations tal-GO, MELITA u tal-VODAPHONE m’hemmx għażla – fuq rasna 24 siegħa kuljum. BREAKING NEWS? Not really. T RIBUNE : THE EXPRESS WITH THE International Herald Tribune “You can’t feel it, you can’t see it, but electro-smog can kill you... On Saturday, Dr Tasnim Ahsan, head of the department of medicine at Jinnah hospital in Karachi asserted electromagnetic fields can cause cancer, memory loss, headaches, fatigue and sleeping disorders in adults and children… Evidence confirms children are more susceptible to the effects of EMF since their rate of cellular activity is high. RF travels through a child’s brain faster than in adults. Different epidemiological studies show that ELF causes leukemia in children. Patients recovering from leukemia have a poorer survival rate if their ELF exposure is between 1 to 2 mG. A study on pregnant women’s exposure to electromagnetic fields showed that higher exposure put them at a risk of miscarriage in the first ten weeks of conceiving.” Samia Malik Published: May 13, 2012 “You can’t feel it, you can’t see it, but electro-smog can kill you... On Saturday, Dr Tasnim Ahsan, head of the department of medicine at Jinnah hospital in Karachi asserted electromagnetic fields can cause cancer, memory loss, headaches, fatigue and sleeping disorders in adults and children… Evidence confirms children are more susceptible to the effects of EMF since their rate of cellular activity is high. RF travels through a child’s brain faster than in adults. Different epidemiological studies show that ELF causes leukemia in children. Patients recovering from leukemia have a poorer survival rate if their ELF exposure is between 1 to 2 mG. A study on pregnant women’s exposure to electromagnetic fields showed that higher exposure put them at a risk of miscarriage in the first ten weeks of conceiving.” Samia Malik Published: May 13, 2012 Samia Malik Samia Malik 5

6 Sadattant għadna ngerfxu bħt-tiġieġ ! ! We’re doing something terribly wrong ! Sadattant għadna ngerfxu bħat-tiġieġ ! ! We’re doing something terribly wrong ! F’Marzu 2010 f’din l-istess kamra irreferejtkom għall-video ta’ 14 il-minuta mitbugħ fit- 3 April 2009 l- Awstralja: "Wake Up Call". "Wake Up Call" Profil mediku ta’ pazjent John Bryant, li jsostni li t-tumur f’moħħu kien kawza diretta ta’ radjazzjoni elettromagnetika. Silta mit-transcript--- In-neurosurgeon, Charles Teo, qal:Charles Teo "If the question is: do I believe that mobile phones are harmful ? I say - I'm incredibly worried, concerned, depressed at the number of kids coming in with brain tumors. Malignant brain tumors. In the last three or four weeks I've seen half a dozen kids with tumours which really should have been benign and they've all been nasty, very nasty malignant brain tumors. We’re doing something terribly wrong.“ Tgħid forsi ghax fl- Antipodes fin-naħa l-oħra tad-dinja in-nies jimxu fuq rashom? Aħna ma nagħmlux hekk!! 6


8 Bħalissa fil-bini tal-Parlament hawn ta’ l-inqas 3 antennae fuq rasna! Parliamentary privilege: Erġajna fuq saqajna! 8

9 Mela issa nistgħu nieħdu azzjoni ? Nistgħu naġustaw l-angolu... Nitkellmu, inpaċpċu, nitbissmu u nerġgħu nitkellmu.... Nistgħu naġġustaw l-angolu... Nitkellmu, inpaċpċu, nitbissmu u nerġgħu nitkellmu.... BIS-SERJETA... se nieħdu azzjoni biex ħafna ċittadini Maltin li huma ipersensittivi għar- radjazzjoni elettro-magnetika ntaffulhom ftit mill-ispejjeż u mit-tbatija li jsofru kuljum? L-Unjoni Ewropeja ħasbet tieħu AZZJONI għal- dawn in-nies? 9

10 10 “ AZZJONI: Mobile Phone Health Threat Should Not Be Waved Off Lightly. " 2 April 2009: Risoluzzjoni fil-Parlament Ewropew dwar riskji serjissimi għas- saħħa marbutin ma’ radjazzjoni elettro-magnetika minħabba mobile phone BASE STATIONS (2008/2211(INI))2008/2211(INI) preżentata minn Frédérique Ries membru Belġjana tal-European Parliament. Approvata … Voti :Frédérique Ries Favur- 559; Kontra -22; Astensjonijiet: 8.

11 Qiegħda tistieden il-Membri Stati... fosthom Malta 11 Din ir-risoluzzjoni stiednet li Stati Membri ta’ l-Unjoni biex jikkrejaw “a one-stop shop for authorisation to install antennas, and to include among their urban development plans a regional antenna plan …. !!! 6. to reach agreement, … on the sharing of infrastructure, in order to reduce the volume thereof and the exposure of the public to EMFs ….. 19. Calls on the Commission and Member States to increase research and development funding for the evaluation of potential long-term adverse effects of mobile telephony… calls for investigation of the harmful effects of exposure to sources of EMFs, particularly where children are concerned;

12 12 28. tħeġġeġ il-Membri Stati ta’ l-Unjoni Ewropea biex jadottaw l-eżempju ta’ li-Svezja u jirrikonoxxu persuni li huma ipersensittivi għall radjazzjoni elettro-magnetika bħala nies b’diżabilita’, u joffrulhom protezzjoni adegwata … twiddeb lill-President biex jibgħat din l- istess rizoluzzjoni lill- Kunsill, il- Kummissjoni, il-gvernijiet u l-parlament tal-Membri Stati, il-Kumitat tar-Reġjuni, u lill-WHO.

13 U Malta Miskina Rasha fir-Ramel bħall-Ostrich? “MEPA GETS THE GREEN LIGHT”!!! Ref: CPA/APUN/193/94 13 November 2008 “Dear Prof.Massa, Re: Mobile Phone base station antennae... I refer to your letter dated 23 September 2008.... Kindly be informed that MEPA has been given the GREEN LIGHT from the Director of Public Health confirming that there are no adverse effects generated from these antennae. The Malta Communications Authority is continuously monitoring emissions in line with the World Health Organisation information. Yours Sincerely, Austin Walker, Chairman” Yours Sincerely, Austin Walker, Chairman” 13

14 TASSEW? Mela midalja tal-bronż miksija firdirram !!!! HELLO! U MEPA KIF TAWHA IL-GREEN LIGHT ? October 2001. WHO Fact Sheet 263 : [ My notes p..141.] “Bħala l-ewwel pass l-IARC, l-aġenzija speċjalizzata tal- WHO qiegħda tikkonkludi u tikkonferma li skond is-saħħa ta’ l-evidenza illi radjazzjoni elettro-magnetika u li l-ELF jistgħu jikkawżaw il-kanċer fil-bniedem… ELF magnetic fields were classified as possibly carcinogenic to humans based on epidemiological studies of childhood leukemia.” U d-Direttur tas-Saħħa Pubblika f’Malta ma jeżitax jagħti lill-MEPA l-Green Light! Nieqfu nitfgħu il-bżar fl- għajnejn! U d-Direttur tas-Saħħa Pubblika f’Malta ma jeżitax jagħti lill-MEPA l-Green Light! Nieqfu nitfgħu il-bżar fl- għajnejn! 14

15 THE WHO DISCLAIMER ! 10 Ottubru 2001: WHO ħarġet press release li dikjarazzjonijiet xprunati mill-industrija li rrappurtaw li l-World Health Organization (WHO) xi darba qalet li emissjonijiet mit-telefonija tal-mobile phone base stations kienu ‘safe’ fil-fatt kienu gidba bajda [jew forsi kemmxejn ħadra ?] 10 Ottubru 2001: WHO ħarġet press release li dikjarazzjonijiet xprunati mill-industrija li rrappurtaw li l-World Health Organization (WHO) xi darba qalet li emissjonijiet mit-telefonija tal-mobile phone base stations kienu ‘safe’ fil-fatt kienu gidba bajda [jew forsi kemmxejn ħadra ?] “a distortion of WHO’s position on the possible health effects of mobile phone use.” “a distortion of WHO’s position on the possible health effects of mobile phone use.” Allura min ħaseb li kien qed jg ħ id il-verita`? 15

16 Mela kemm se ndumu ngħattu x-xemx bl- għarbiel u niġbdu saqajn il-poplu Malti !? IARC : “two recent pooled analyses of epidemiological studies… suggest that in a population exposed to average magnetic fields in excess of 0.3µT to 0.4µT twice as many children might develop leukemia compared to a population with lower exposures. ….. IARC : “two recent pooled analyses of epidemiological studies… suggest that in a population exposed to average magnetic fields in excess of 0.3µT to 0.4µT twice as many children might develop leukemia compared to a population with lower exposures. ….. 16

17 GĦANDNA NAĊĊETTAW LINJI GWIDA TA’ L- ICNIRP ? “ ICNIRP guidelines … and limits are intended to prevent health effects related only to short-term exposure.” …. Yet already in 1998, a working group examining the issue for the US National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) had classified ELF fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans… Government and Industry entities should be aware of the latest scientific developments and should provide the public with balanced, clear and comprehensive information about potential EMF risks… Siting decisions should consider ways to reduce people’s exposure.“ 17

18 Għaliex tgħid? Jaqaw il-qurriegħa ta’ rjus uliedna vulnerabbli iżjed minn ta’ l-adulti? 18

19 LEUKEMIA Chronic exposures of 2 mG or more have long been associated with childhood leukemia. That link was first demonstrated by Nancy Wertheimer and Ed Leeper more than 30 years ago. Chronic exposures of 2 mG or more have long been associated with childhood leukemia. That link was first demonstrated by Nancy Wertheimer and Ed Leeper more than 30 years ago.demonstrated Though confirmed by a large number of subsequent epidemiological studies, Governments and Industry continue to treat the results with skepticism, especially by physicists in the pay of …. Though confirmed by a large number of subsequent epidemiological studies, Governments and Industry continue to treat the results with skepticism, especially by physicists in the pay of …. What's missing, they say, is a theory that can explain how weak fields can cause cancer. What's missing, they say, is a theory that can explain how weak fields can cause cancer. Without a mechanism of interaction, standard-setting groups have ignored the leukemia risk. And so Without a mechanism of interaction, standard-setting groups have ignored the leukemia risk. And so Exposure limits for our children remain irresponsibly close to a thousand times higher than the 2 mG threshold. Exposure limits for our children remain irresponsibly close to a thousand times higher than the 2 mG threshold. 19

20 Irjus it-tfal 20 ICNIRP exposure limits for children remain close to a thousand times higher than the 2 mG safe threshold limit … ELF DARBA IŻJED !!! u sadattant x’inhuma jagħmlu il-Malta Communications Authority id-Direttur tas-Saħħa Pubblika u il- MEPA…. is-suppost Environment Protection Agency ? Dawn għadhom isostnu kif kitibli Austin Walker li il: ” MEPA has been given the GREEN LIGHT from the Director of Public Health confirming that there are no adverse effects generated from these antennae. The Malta Communications Authority is continuously monitoring emissions in line with the World Health Organisation information.” Confirming! Confirming! Nistgħu nużaw four-letter words fil-bini tal-Parlament?

21 NERĠGHU NISTAQSU. GĦANDNA INKOMPLU NAĊĊETTAW LINJI GWIDA TA’ L- ICNIRP ? Mhux meta ilna snin twal nafu xi tbatijiet QEGĦDIN JIKKAWŻAW l-iżjed fost it-tfal…. Mhux meta ilna snin twal nafu xi tbatijiet QEGĦDIN JIKKAWŻAW l-iżjed fost it-tfal…. U n-nuqqas ta’ sorveljanza kif jitwaħħlu l-mobile phone base stations ftit metri biss bogħod minn irjus tfal u adulti … U n-nuqqas ta’ sorveljanza kif jitwaħħlu l-mobile phone base stations ftit metri biss bogħod minn irjus tfal u adulti … Eżempji ma Malta kollha… inklużi Tal-Virtu r-Rabat … inklużi l-Kortin il-Mellieħa fejn ma l-antennae maġġuri bil-permess komplew iżidu platti subalterni bla permess… X’arroganza! U kif tkellimhom tistħajjilhom l-Arkużin! Kif darba ntqal fil-Parlament: Min jiflaħ iħawwel. 21

22 X’qalet il-Lancet iktar minn 12 il-sena ilu? UK Childhood Cancer Study Investigators.”Exposure to power- frequency magnetic fields and their influence on childhood cancer,” Lancet, 354,(1999) pp.1925-31. UK Childhood Cancer Study Investigators.”Exposure to power- frequency magnetic fields and their influence on childhood cancer,” Lancet, 354,(1999) pp.1925-31. [ for 3203 children with leukemia and 10,338 control children with estimated residential magnetic field exposures less than 0.4µT, data is consistent with there being no increased risk. [ for 3203 children with leukemia and 10,338 control children with estimated residential magnetic field exposures less than 0.4µT, data is consistent with there being no increased risk. For 44 chn with leukemia and 62 control children with magnetic field exposures of 0.4µT or more leukemia risk estimated doubled: relative risk was 2.00 (95% confidence interval 1.27-3.13) For 44 chn with leukemia and 62 control children with magnetic field exposures of 0.4µT or more leukemia risk estimated doubled: relative risk was 2.00 (95% confidence interval 1.27-3.13) 22

23 Għall dawk li jaħilfu biha x’qalet iżjed il-Lancet ? James Butcher, “Effects of microwave radiation may not be limited to heating,” James Butcher, “Effects of microwave radiation may not be limited to heating,”Effects of microwave radiation may not be limited to heatingEffects of microwave radiation may not be limited to heating The Lancet, 20 May 2000, Vol.355. Issue 9217. 1793 ff. The Lancet, 20 May 2000, Vol.355. Issue 9217. 1793 ff. Philip Dendy, “Mobile phones and the illusory pursuit of safety “The Lancet 25 November 2000, Vol.356. Issue 9244. 1782 ff. Philip Dendy, “Mobile phones and the illusory pursuit of safety “The Lancet 25 November 2000, Vol.356. Issue 9244. 1782 ff.Mobile phones and the illusory pursuit of safetyMobile phones and the illusory pursuit of safety Kenneth Rothman, “Epidemiological evidence on health risks of cellular telephones”, The Lancet 25 November 2000. Vol.356. Issue 9244. 1837 ff. Kenneth Rothman, “Epidemiological evidence on health risks of cellular telephones”, The Lancet 25 November 2000. Vol.356. Issue 9244. 1837 ff.Epidemiological evidence on health risks of cellular telephonesEpidemiological evidence on health risks of cellular telephones 23

24 Hemm bżonn xi STATISTIKA ? A.Ahlbom, N.Day, M.Feychting et al. A pooled analysis of magnetic fields and childhood leukemia. A.Ahlbom, N.Day, M.Feychting et al. A pooled analysis of magnetic fields and childhood leukemia. J Cancer, 83, (2000) pp.692-98. [ A pooled analysis of several studies showed possibility of a doubling of risk of leukemia in children in homes at levels of exposure to extremely low frequency 0.4µT (50-60 Hz) magnetic fields. Analysis for 3247 children with leukemia and 10,400 control children in nine countries. …strongly recommend PRUDENT AVOIDANCE. J Cancer, 83, (2000) pp.692-98. [ A pooled analysis of several studies showed possibility of a doubling of risk of leukemia in children in homes at levels of exposure to extremely low frequency 0.4µT (50-60 Hz) magnetic fields. Analysis for 3247 children with leukemia and 10,400 control children in nine countries. …strongly recommend PRUDENT AVOIDANCE. 24

25 U x’qal Richard Doll dwar dan? ”The statistically significant doubling of childhood leukemia above 4mG (0.4µT) is not likely to be explained by chance.” ”The statistically significant doubling of childhood leukemia above 4mG (0.4µT) is not likely to be explained by chance.” Sir Richard Doll, chairman of the UK panel, agreed with the conclusions of Ahlbom & Feychting’s pooled analysis. Sir Richard Doll, chairman of the UK panel, agreed with the conclusions of Ahlbom & Feychting’s pooled analysis. MWN: “ there exists recent consensus among epidemiologists all over the world that childhood studies do indeed point to an EMF-leukemia risk.” MWN: “ there exists recent consensus among epidemiologists all over the world that childhood studies do indeed point to an EMF-leukemia risk.” 25

26 26 Imma il-leukemia mhux kollox … nies li joqogħdu mhux wisq qrib ta’ mobile phone base stations ikomplu spiss jirrapportaw firxa ta’ sintomi x’aktarx neuroloġiċi li jkiddulhom saħħithom u jisirqulhom is-sliem li għandhom ikollhom ġewwa darhom bi dritt : Ugiegħ ta’ rasijiet Nuqqas ta’ koncentrazzjoni …Eg? Konfuzjoni fil-memorja Sensazzjoni ta’ pressjoni fir-ras Depressjoni...

27 DIPRESSJONI F’ MALTA 27 “About 33,000 people in Malta suffer from depression, yet less than a third of them seek the help that would improve their lives drastically. This highlights the stigma that still surrounds mental health issues. People are afraid to show they need help and visit a psychiatrist. But the truth is…” Times of Malta- 01 February 2010 …

28 Xi jfisser dan? If you reckon on a conservative estimate of 5-10 % of those are suffering because of electromagnetic radiation you may have thousands and thousands of electrosensitive persons needlessly HIT by mobile-phone base stations! If you reckon on a conservative estimate of 5-10 % of those are suffering because of electromagnetic radiation you may have thousands and thousands of electrosensitive persons needlessly HIT by mobile-phone base stations! Yet MEPA claim they have been GIVEN THE GREEN LIGHT from none other than the Director of Public Heath who CONFIRMS “there are no adverse effects generated from these antennae.” Yet MEPA claim they have been GIVEN THE GREEN LIGHT from none other than the Director of Public Heath who CONFIRMS “there are no adverse effects generated from these antennae.” 28

29 29 SO HOW GREEN IS GREEN? Levels of emission in publicly accessible areas in the vicinity of Base-stations should be at least a thousand times lower than the limits stipulated in the safety guidelines published by the International Commission for Non-Ionising Radiation Protection (ICNIRP). The nonsense of being content with ICNIRP compliance is that these guidelines protect against what is not actually a hazard - namely getting overheated. However, ICNIRP guidelines neglect the most discriminating feature of all, namely the aliveness of …

30 ‘Aliveness of those exposed’ 30 When (and only when) alive, does the body support a number of electrical bio-rhythms characterised by different frequencies… the most familiar being those associated with the activity of the brain and the heart. These rhythms are intimately connected with biological functionality, some being involved in maintaining the delicate balance of biochemicals essential to health, while others play a role in the transmission of biological information essential to maintaining well-being.

31 31 It is a gross scandal that, in Malta, in the absence of adequate testing, mobile telecommunication technology has been allowed to be rolled out in an essentially unregulated way that results in the involuntary exposure of the majority of the population - a situation that does not obtain in the case of a new drug or foodstuff, which, by contrast, are subject to quite rigorous testing before being licensed.

32 32 In the case of exposure to electromagnetic radiation, the 'establishment' view is that if the signals do not heat you, they cannot harm you. In attempts to strengthen this position, every effort is made by GO, VODAPHONE, MELITA and even our Government to rubbish findings that suggest otherwise, whilst results arguing “there are no adverse effects generated from these antennae.” are uncritically accepted. What, in the establishment view, is considered absence of absolute proof of harm is wrongly, but conveniently, taken as proof of absence of harm! Motives? *^*^*^$$$<><> EXPLETIVES DELETED.

33 For men only. DIK X’INHI? “Several studies on the male reproductive system have revealed a wide spectrum of possible effects that range from an insignificant effect to variable degrees of testicular damage and reduction of different sperm parameters. ” Sssh. Tg ħ idu l-ħadd. “Several studies on the male reproductive system have revealed a wide spectrum of possible effects that range from an insignificant effect to variable degrees of testicular damage and reduction of different sperm parameters. ” Sssh. Tg ħ idu l-ħadd. Epidemiologists at Kaiser Permanente in Oakland, California: ”Daily exposure to electromagnetic fields even 1,000 times lower than the current ICNIRP guideline results in poorer sperm quality.” Epidemiologists at Kaiser Permanente in Oakland, California: ”Daily exposure to electromagnetic fields even 1,000 times lower than the current ICNIRP guideline results in poorer sperm quality.” I rġiel, kif se tipproteġu l-virilita’ tagħkom? Don’t just keep your fingers crossed! I rġiel, kif se tipproteġu l-virilita’ tagħkom? Don’t just keep your fingers crossed! ^^ Aitken, R J., L E. Bennetts, D Sawyer, A M. Wiklendt, and B V. King. “Impact of Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Radiation on DNA Integrity in the Male Germline.” International Journal of Andrology 28 (2005): 171-178. ^ 33

34 U eżempju ieħor... mainly for women. Prenatal Exposure to Weak Magnetic Fields Leads to Childhood Asthma … August 2011. Prenatal Exposure to Weak Magnetic Fields Leads to Childhood Asthma … August 2011. First Prospective EMF Epidemiological Study Ever Done on Asthma First Prospective EMF Epidemiological Study Ever Done on Asthma According to a new study by De-Kun Li and co-workers at Kaiser Permanente in Oakland, CA. “a mother’s average magnetic field exposure of just 2 mG (0.2 µT) during pregnancy more than triples the child's risk of getting asthma by the age of 13” According to a new study by De-Kun Li and co-workers at Kaiser Permanente in Oakland, CA. “a mother’s average magnetic field exposure of just 2 mG (0.2 µT) during pregnancy more than triples the child's risk of getting asthma by the age of 13”De-Kun LiKaiser PermanenteDe-Kun LiKaiser Permanente paper released 1 August 2011 : Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, a publication of the American Medical Association (AMA). paper released 1 August 2011 : Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, a publication of the American Medical Association (AMA). paperAMA paperAMA 34

35 Ommijiet Maltin: Radjazzjoni elettromagnetika waqt it-tqala Skond statistika li anke ssemmiet mit- Times of Malta 19 Mejju 2012... Fl-1995: 8.8 % tat-tfal Maltin bejn sitta u seba’ snin kienu jbatu bl-asthma... Fl-2002: il-persentaġġ tela’ għal 14.9 % Fl-2012: Ma nafux kemm kompla tiela l-persentaġġ... Għax Malta r-riżultati jistgħu jaslu għexieren ta’ snin tard. U ma noqogħdux inwaħħlu biss fl-obeżita, bini ġdid u nuqqas ta’ eżerċizzju. Jekk l-ommijiet Maltin se nkomplu nbellgħulhom doża fuq doża ta’ radjazzjoni elettromagnetika ma niskantawx li qegħdin niġu fi kliem De-Kun Li. 35

36 36 U biex nibdew nersqu lejn it-tmiem, nerġgħu lura bħal granċ u l-quddiem bħal bullet: “Threats from Electro magnetic Radiation Should Not Be Waived Off Lightly. "gu lura bal gran u l-quddiem bal bullet: “Threats from Electro magnetic Radiation Should Not Be Waived Off Lightly. " Lura lejn it-2 t’April 2009: Risoluzzjoni fil- Parlament Ewropew dwar riskji serjissimi għas- saħħa marbutin ma’ radjazzjoni elettro- magnetika minħabba mobile phone BASE STATIONS (2008/2211(INI))2008/2211(INI) preżentata minn Frédérique Ries membru Belġjana tal-European Parliament. Approvata … Voti :Frédérique Ries Favur- 559; Kontra -22; Astensjonijiet: 8.

37 37 UFF!! U ejja se nergu lura? Mela gandna hawn sa nofs il-lejl? UFF!! U ejja se nerġgħu lura? Mela għandna hawn sa nofs il-lejl? E. “whereas the fact that the scientific community has reached no definite conclusions has not prevented national or regional governments … in at least nine EU Member States, from setting …"preventive" exposure limits,… the Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks 20. Proposes that the European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies be given the additional task of assessing scientific integrity in order to help the Commission forestall possible cases of risk, conflict of interests, or even fraud that might arise now that competition for researchers has become keener. 37

38 X’ġara wara l-mozzjoni ta’ Frederique Ries ? PACE: Il- Parliamentary Assembly, Council of Europe, PACE: Il- Parliamentary Assembly, Council of Europe, kważi sena ilu … fis 27 ta’ Mejju 2011. kważi sena ilu … fis 27 ta’ Mejju 2011. called on governments to 'take all reasonable measures' to reduce exposure to electromagnetic fields: called on governments to 'take all reasonable measures' to reduce exposure to electromagnetic fields: (KYIV, Ukraine) - The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), meeting in Kyiv at Standing Committee level, today called on European governments to “take all reasonable measures” to reduce exposure to electromagnetic fields, especially to radio frequencies from mobile phones, “and particularly the exposure to children and young people who seem to be most at risk from head tumours”. (KYIV, Ukraine) - The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), meeting in Kyiv at Standing Committee level, today called on European governments to “take all reasonable measures” to reduce exposure to electromagnetic fields, especially to radio frequencies from mobile phones, “and particularly the exposure to children and young people who seem to be most at risk from head tumours”. 38

39 39 IARC RF – Cancer Summary Published in Lancet Oncology … June 22, 2011 A short summary of the IARC Working Group's decisionshort summaryIARC to classify radiofrequency (RF) radiationclassify radiofrequency (RF) radiation as a "possible human carcinogen" (2B) Here is one key conclusion of the IARC working group: the gold standard assessment: "Although both the Interphone study and the Swedish pooled analysis are susceptible to bias —due to recall error and selection for participation— the working group concluded that the findings could not be dismissed as reflecting bias alone, and that a causal interpretation between mobile phone RF–EMF exposure and glioma is possible. A similar conclusion was drawn from these two studies for acoustic neuroma, although the case numbers were substantially smaller than for glioma. Additionally, a study from Japan found evidence of an increased risk for acoustic neuroma associated with ipsilateral mobile phone use."

40 40 The Interphone study was published last in 2011.Interphone study The Swedish analysis refers to the work of Lennart Hardell and coworkers.Swedish analysis The Japanese study on acoustic neuroma appeared in Bioelectromagnetics.Japanese study IARC reported that the 2B classification "was supported by a large majority of working group members."

41 41 IARC: Cell Phone Radiation Is a Possible Human Carcinogen June 3, 2011 Small Group Will File Minority Opinion It's not easy to reach unanimous agreement on anything to do with cell phone radiation. And when it comes to cell phones and cancer, forget about it. But the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) nearly pulled it off.IARC On Tuesday, May 31, more than two dozen scientists and doctors from 14 countries — a group IARC Director Christopher Wild called "the world's leading experts"— IChristopher Wild ssued a joint statement that cell phone and other types of radiofrequency (RF) and microwave radiation might cause cancer. Near the close of the eight-day meeting, there were six holdouts, but by the end only one dissenting voice remained in the room. ( The group agreed that the person's name should remain secret.) IARC released the news: Long-term use of a cell phone might lead to t wo different types of tumors, glioma, a type of brain cancer,glioma and acoustic neuroma, a tumor of the auditory nerve.acoustic neuroma

42 Breaking News: Breaking Who? “IARC: Cell Phone Radiation Is a Possible Human Carcinogen June 3, 2011 “IARC: Cell Phone Radiation Is a Possible Human Carcinogen June 3, 2011 Small Group Will File Minority Opinion ” Small Group Will File Minority Opinion ” It's not easy to reach unanimous agreement on anything to do with It's not easy to reach unanimous agreement on anything to do with cell phone radiation. And when it comes to cell phones and cancer, cell phone radiation. And when it comes to cell phones and cancer, forget about it. But the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) nearly pulled it off. forget about it. But the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) nearly pulled it off.IARC On Tuesday, May 31, more than two dozen scientists and doctors from 14 countries — whom the IARC Director Christopher Wild called "the world's leading experts"— issued a joint statement that cell phone and other types of radiofrequency (RF) and electromagnetic microwave radiation might cause cancer. On Tuesday, May 31, more than two dozen scientists and doctors from 14 countries — whom the IARC Director Christopher Wild called "the world's leading experts"— issued a joint statement that cell phone and other types of radiofrequency (RF) and electromagnetic microwave radiation might cause cancer.Christopher WildChristopher Wild 42

43 $ensazzjoni L-aħbar mill-IARC ikkawzat sensazzjoni. L-aħbar dehret fl-ewwel paġna ta’ ħafna mil-gazzetti ewlenin fid-dinja [mhux Malta]. Dawn inkludew L-aħbar mill-IARC ikkawzat sensazzjoni. L-aħbar dehret fl-ewwel paġna ta’ ħafna mil-gazzetti ewlenin fid-dinja [mhux Malta]. Dawn inkludew Washington PostWashington Post, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, New York TimesWall Street Journal, Washington PostNew York TimesWall Street Journal, Sydney Morning HeraldSydney Morning Herald, Le Monde, Daily Telegraph. Le Monde,Daily Telegraph Sydney Morning HeraldLe Monde,Daily Telegraph Fi żmien 24 siegħa mil-press conference ta l-IARC kienu dehru mat- tlett elef storja fuq GOOGLE News [ dawk biss ta’l-Ingliż.] L-istejjer inqraw u ntbagħtu e-mail fuq mijiet ta’ siti ta’ l-Internet madwar id-dinja. « You have been WARNED.Electromagnetic radiation is a possible carcinogen.” (D Leszczynski) i żda taħsbu li L-istejjer inqraw u ntbagħtu e-mail fuq mijiet ta’ siti ta’ l-Internet madwar id-dinja. « You have been WARNED.Electromagnetic radiation is a possible carcinogen.” (D Leszczynski) i żda taħsbu li « You have been WARNED.Electromagnetic radiation is a possible carcinogen.” (D Leszczynski) « You have been WARNED.Electromagnetic radiation is a possible carcinogen.” (D Leszczynski) * MCA # * MCA # * il-MEPA u * il-MEPA u *l-Ministeru tas-Saħħa Pubblika se jieħdu Azzjoni biex jistabilixxu precautionary measures serji …. li jirrispettaw iċ-ċittadini Maltin? *l-Ministeru tas-Saħħa Pubblika se jieħdu Azzjoni biex jistabilixxu precautionary measures serji …. li jirrispettaw iċ-ċittadini Maltin? 43

44 Bħal ta’ l-istorja tat- 44 tliet xadini … tiftakruha l-għanja : għalaq widnejk u għajnejk u itboq fommok sakemm tiġi l-mewt tobormok …. Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil against the ve$ted intere$ts of the Mobile Phone Companies … ħalli min jiflaħ ikompli jħawwel… Iċ-chances li jagħmlu xi ħaġa huma bejn wieħed u ieħor l-istess li jien naqta’ l-ħames numri fis-Super Five tlett ġimghat wara xulxin… Forsi t-tlett Partiti - Labour, Nazzjonalisti, Alternattiva jdaħħlu xi ħaġa biex jirregolaw bis-serjeta din il-ġungla skandlu li bħalissa ninsabu mgħaddsin fiha? Min jaf forsi joħolmu b’xi soluzzjoni qrib l-elezzjoni…. Min Jaf ? Jien sadattant se jkolli nħallikom għax bini l-ġuħ… Hawn xi ristorant viċin fejn nista’ nordna qatta silla ? … jew imqar biex ma nkunx delikat iżżejjed ….qatta tiben!

45 X’ngħidilkom ? GRAZZI 45

46 46 Ma rridux inbeżżgħu nies imma... You have been warned! 46

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