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Legal Foundations of Nazi Germany. Anti-Jewish Policies.

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Presentation on theme: "Legal Foundations of Nazi Germany. Anti-Jewish Policies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Legal Foundations of Nazi Germany

2 Anti-Jewish Policies

3 Background 1920 – The 25 points of the National Socialist Party “all Germans must have pure blood” “no non-Germans may enter the country” “the Jews should leave the country”

4 Early anti-Jewish Measures

5 In 1933, Jews comprised of less than 1% of Germany April 1933 – Official state boycott of Jewish stores. This is the first official act against the Jews. (only lasted one day due to the economy) April 7 th 1933 – Civil Service law. This is the first attempt of implementing Nazi racial ideology into law. (no Jews in civil service jobs, removed from political associations) April 1933 – Definition of a Jew is passed into law. (one Jewish grandparent makes you Jewish) Stock markets fall around the world with the passing of these laws.

6 Nuremburg Laws of 1935 1 st citizenship law – Only Germans could be members of the Third Reich. Jews lose civil rights, star of David is mandated. Law of “protection of German blood and honor” -outlawed marriage between Jews and Germans No German woman under the age of 45, could be domestic servants. (fear the Jewish men would rape German women) Swastika is the national flag of Germany

7 Joseph Goebbels

8 Preparing for War 1936 – Less oppressive (Olympics are held in Germany) Jesse Owens Rocks! Four Gold Medals!!!

9 Preparing for War 1936 – Hitler marches into the Rhineland. He later says “this was the biggest gamble of my life”

10 Appeasement After marching into the Rhineland, Neville Chamberlain does nothing. 1938 – Germany is welcomed by millions of Austrians when they incorporate Austria into the Third Reich. In Austria – systematic arrests of Jews and forced into concentration camps. (Not death camps, forced labor) 1938 – “forced Ayranization” – forced immigration of Jews Nov. 1938 – Krystalnacht Why did Hitler allow Krystalnacht, knowing that there would be foreign repercussions?

11 Krystalnacht

12 Germany Welcomed in Austria

13 Moving Towards War Sept 1939 – Hitler invades Czechoslovakia. Lebensraum Hitler “If we go to war, we must first suppress our domestic enemy” False Accusations – Jews did not fight in WWI, this is why Germany lost - Jews were communists preparing a revolution

14 Slavery in Work Camps

15 World War II Sept. 1 st 1939 – Hitler invades Poland Himmler and SS are put in charge of Poland -forced migration of Jews east 1940 – Madagascar Plan - Jews would be sent to French colonies that were taken from the French. Many papers written on this June 22 nd 1941 – Operation Barbarossa -Hitler defies non-aggression pact with Soviet Union. -Beginning of the final solution -Hitler on drugs???

16 1941 – Einsatzgruppen established to murder communists and Jews

17 Einsatzgruppen

18 The Final Solution 1942 – Wannsee Conference - The final solution is discussed -Hitler does not attend -Acting out “the will of the fuehrer” Most orders are given orally by Hitler, but there is a legal foundation to his plight Misconceptions of the Reich -Jesus was an Aryan -Japanese were Aryans of the east.

19 Wannsee Conference

20 Zyclon-B

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