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Guidance vs. Punishment and Parenting Styles Ch. 14 – Developing Guidance Skills.

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Presentation on theme: "Guidance vs. Punishment and Parenting Styles Ch. 14 – Developing Guidance Skills."— Presentation transcript:

1 Guidance vs. Punishment and Parenting Styles Ch. 14 – Developing Guidance Skills

2 Vocabulary Definitions: Discipline: To teach a child to have self-control Guidance: A positive form of discipline Punishment: Strict control used to enforce obedience

3 Why is guidance recommended over punishment? Guidance helps children to take personal responsibility for their actions. Guidance helps children learn how to make choices. Punishment does not teach children, it only focuses on correcting negative behavior.

4 The long-term goals of guidance: To teach children to have self-control and to regulate their behavior. To teach socially acceptable behavior so children will grow to be successful adults who contribute to the good of society.

5 How might a teacher’s behavior affect the behavior of the children? Teacher is unengaged or looks bored. ▫Child = Teacher is off task and not paying attention to directions. ▫Child = Teacher is smiling, friendly and enthusiastic. ▫Child = Teacher is firm and enforces preschool expectations. ▫Child = Teacher is laughing at a child’s unacceptable behavior. ▫Child =

6 The Four Parenting Styles

7 Parenting Style Descriptors Authoritative: ▫Flexible ▫Democratic ▫Warm, supportive ▫Set guidelines ▫Allow choices ▫Give consequences when needed Permissive: ▫Indulgent ▫Over-involved ▫Lenient ▫No guidelines ▫A friend instead of a parent-blurred roles ▫Child is the boss

8 Parenting Style Descriptors Autocratic: ▫Rigid ▫Values obedience over choices ▫Sets all rules ▫Very structured ▫“Because I said so” ▫Parent is the boss Uninvolved: ▫Uninterested in child ▫Distant ▫Neglectful ▫Absent ▫Passive ▫No guidance or punishment

9 Which parenting style… Is both high in control and warmth? ▫Authoritative Is rigid and values obedience and rules? ▫Autocratic Values friendship and indulgence over guidelines and support? ▫Permissive Is neglectful, passive and distant? ▫Uninvolved

10 Think about it… Which parenting style best describes your parents? ▫It may be a combination of styles. Explain which style(s) would you use if you become a parent someday.

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