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Linking Home and Classroom Charles Sumner School Pre-kindergarten Parent / Teacher Outreach.

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2 Linking Home and Classroom Charles Sumner School Pre-kindergarten Parent / Teacher Outreach

3 Workshop 1 1. Observation (15 minutes) Observing child in the classroom. 2. Considering Parenting Styles (20 minutes) Introduction of 4 parenting styles 3. Development of Self-Control (20 minutes) Self-Restraint and Expectations 4. Homework: Considering Parenting Styles

4 Classroom Observation A. Observing Child’s Behavior in Class. B. Observation Worksheet and Review.

5 Observing child’s behavior in class. Desirable Behavior Cooperating with the classroom activities ( not upsetting the other students, involved in their work). Helping Other with self-discipline (helping students to stay on task). Controlling impulses (not running when others are running for example). Cooperating with the teacher (following the instructions and rules of the class). Undesirable Behavior Interfering with social interaction (children playing) Interfering with other students self-discipline (making the other children upset). Ignoring the instructions of the teacher (not listening or following directions). Child places himself or herself in harms-way (running around the room with scissors for example). Places others in harms-way (behavior that can injure another child).

6 Review Observation Worksheet Which behaviors could you identify the most: Desirable or Undesirable? What surprised you the most when you were observing your child? Which behaviors are consistent at home and in school?

7 Review Observation Worksheet continued… What did you learn about your child during the observation? What did you learn about your child’s classroom, classmates, during the observation?

8 Parenting Styles Passive Permissive Authoritarian Authoritative

9 Passive Parenting Style Parents are highly unvolved in their children lives; they are neglecting and unresponsive. Anything the child wants to do is okay. This particular style of training leads to lack of self-control, social-skills, so becomes either shy, obnoxious, or self- centered. A child raised by passive parents generally lack security, skills and self confidence.

10 Permissive Parenting Style Parents are undemanding but accepting and responsive. Also, they are involved in their child’s life but allow them extensive freedom and do not control their negative behavior. The behavioral result of this style the child disregards and flaunts rules is self-indulgent and doesn’t learn how to abide by rules and regulations. The child perhaps, knows he/she is loved yet lack skills and self-confidence.

11 Authoritarian Parenting Style Parents are restrictive, punitive, exhort the child to follow their directions, respect work and effort, place limits and controls on the child and offer little verbal give-and-take between the child and themselves. This type of parenting is associated with anxiety about social comparison, failure to initiate activity and ineffective social interaction.

12 Authoritative Parenting Style Verbal give-and take- is extensive and parents are warm and nurturing toward the child. This type of parenting encourages that child to be independent but still places limits, demands and controls on the child’s actions. This style of parenting will promote and develop security, skills, and self-confidence and social skills. This is done through parental responsiveness, parent warmth or supportiveness. (Maccoby & Martin, 1983).

13 Development of Self- Control The Roots of Self-Restraint Expectations

14 Self-Control and Expectations Children must overcome their impulses toward something they want that is not allowed. Gaining this capacity is one of the most important task of early childhood. For it is then a child possess physical and/or cognitive skills to practice self- restraint on a consistent basis. When these skills are developed there is appreciation of cause and effect.

15 Self-Control and Expectations By preschool age, the child is capable of understanding the consequences of their actions, which makes it easier for a child not to act on his or her impulses. This is the beginning of Self-Restraint. The development self- control is exercised and expanded by parents and adults in the child’s life. Teaching self- discipline requires time, patience, and respect.

16 Workshop Review Observation: Desirable and Undesirable behaviors in your child’s class. Parenting Styles: Authoritative is a recommended parenting style that will promote and develop security, skills and self-confidence and social skills. Development of Self-Control: Children learning to manage their impulses.

17 This assignment will help identify what types of behavior you want your child to develop. Plus the methods and parenting styles you are comfortable using. It’s like a Parent Background Check! Homework

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