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Making you want what you didn’t know you wanted….

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Presentation on theme: "Making you want what you didn’t know you wanted…."— Presentation transcript:

1 Making you want what you didn’t know you wanted…

2 Grant, Harry David. “Picturesque America” Retrieved 16 October, 2007, from historymatters.g es/mp162.jpg

3  Everyone else is doing it.  You aren’t cool unless you have/do/believe this.

4  A celebrity tells how great the product is.  A “real person” tells how great the product is.

5  A person becomes cool or a better person by using a product.

6  The product name, phone number, or important information is repeated several times.

7  Hope, beautiful, luxury, paradise, etc.

8  The product is portrayed to fix things or cause good things to happen

9  Similar to name-calling, one product says it is better than another.

10  Attention-getters: ◦ A striking color or picture or surprising expanse of white space ◦ Photo of a famous person ◦ Humor  Appealing to our: ◦ Logic ◦ Beliefs ◦ Values ◦ Needs

11  Bandwagon- everyone is doing it  Testimonial- celebrity endorsement  Transfer- it makes you cool  Repetition- number or word repeated  Emotional- makes you feel happy/sad/etc., words like “luxury”  Faulty cause and effect- it will make good things happen  Compare and Contrast- compares itself to another product

12 http://www.stanford.ed u/class/linguist34/adv ertisements/29rover/2 9rover.jpg

13 http://www.stanford.ed u/class/linguist34/adv ertisements/62harvestb ar/62harvest2.jpg

14 uist34/advertisements/54dasani/5 4dasani.jpg


16  Some of the parents at your school have started a campaign to limit the homework that teachers can assign to students. Teachers at your school have argued that the homework is necessary. What is your position? Make sure you support your opinion with facts.

17  A litter problem has developed on your school's campus. Students are throwing trash on the ground, leaving empty soda cans and bottles outside on benches, and dropping napkins and other trash on the cafeteria floor rather than carrying them to the trash can. Your Dean has asked students to take more care, but the litter problem persists. The Dean has reacted by canceling all after- school activities until the problem is taken care of. What is your position on this issue?

18  The student government is seeking ideas to improve your school. The changes proposed by students will be seriously considered since students are the reason for the school’s existence. Choose one change that might improve your school for all students. Write a persuasive essay explaining why your suggested change is an improvement. Give at least three reasons to support your suggestion.

19 Homework is an important part of learning. We have too much homework. We should not lose after school activities because of our littering problem. We can solve our litter problem by… Our school would be better if…

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