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Post-reading 1.Antarctica is another name for _________. 2.The sun does not go down in Antarctica, so Helen’s workdays were usually_______. 3.Helen.

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Presentation on theme: "Post-reading 1.Antarctica is another name for _________. 2.The sun does not go down in Antarctica, so Helen’s workdays were usually_______. 3.Helen."— Presentation transcript:





5 Post-reading 1.Antarctica is another name for _________. 2.The sun does not go down in Antarctica, so Helen’s workdays were usually_______. 3.Helen Thayer was born on _______. 4.On the 22nd day of the expedition Helen Thayer had an accident. What happened? 5. What decision did Helen make after the accident?

6 Answers 1.Antarctica is another name for the South Pole. 2.The sun does not go down in Antarctica, so Helen’s workdays were usually More than 12 hours. 3.Helen Thayer was born on 12 November 1937. 4.On the 22nd day of the expedition Helen Thayer had an accident. What happened? The sled knocked her over and hurt her leg. 5. What decision did Helen make after the accident? She gave up and went back home.

7 1.A flight in a plane used to be __ one hundred years ago. A an adventure B the adventure C adventure D adventures 2.After the cool rain,the temperature has__. A put up B been put up C put down D gone down 3. __how about playing football? ----___. A that ‘s a good idea B I’ll study now. C Playing football is interesting D It’s a waste of time.

8 4.She brought out a box of matches and __ a candle, and the __candle___ up the whole room. A lighted, lit, lit B lit,lit, lighted C lit, lighted, lighted D lighted,lit, lighted 5.within a few minutes the winds increased to a howling storm that threatened to blow me and my tent away,none of __happened, however. A. those B. that C. which D. what 6.Look around __ you cross the road.Safety is first. A. as soon as B. after C. before D. then 7.The old sang the song _____ voice, From the quality of his voice, I was able to tell that he was in _____ health. A. with the top of his, good B. in a loud, good C. at the top of his, a good D. in a loud, a good

9 8.The deer tried to struggle ______ its feet, but couldn’t stand _____ its back legs. A. to, with B. on, with C. on, on D. to, on 9. I was just ______ call the police _____ all the lights in the room went out. A. about to, when B. about to, while C. to, when D. to, while 10. I can hardly imagine Peter _____ across the Atlantic Ocean in five days. A. Sail B. to sail C. Sailing D. to have sailed

10 1.What kind of woman do you think is Helen Thayer? 2. Do you admire Her? Why? 3.What should we learn from her?

11 The secret of success is constancy to purpose. 成功的奥秘在于坚持不 懈的奔向目标


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