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Skills and Learning Intelligence Module n Ben Neild n SLIM - Manager n Marchmont Observatory n Helpdesk - 01392.

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Presentation on theme: "Skills and Learning Intelligence Module n Ben Neild n SLIM - Manager n Marchmont Observatory n Helpdesk - 01392."— Presentation transcript:

1 Skills and Learning Intelligence Module n Ben Neild n SLIM - Manager n Marchmont Observatory n Helpdesk - 01392 264850

2 Employment in Skilled Trades Overall decline in employment - 196,000 Jobs from 1999 to 2010

3 Occupational changes 1998-2009 Source: DfEE, Labour Market and Skills Trends, 1998/99

4 Skilled Trades - SOC 2000 Categories

5 Total requirement for labour 1999 - 2010

6 Skilled Trades - Employment in South West

7 Employment Growth Population Growth

8 Migration n Net in-migration to the South West is forecast at c25,000 per annum to 2021 n However…. n 40% are under 16 or over 65 n Net out-migration for 16-24 year olds

9 Distribution of vacancies by Occupation

10 Impact of skill shortage vacancies on performance by occupation Source: ESS2001 (IFF/IER)

11 Productivity gap Source: OECD

12 Manufacturing Productivity Source: ABI, ONS

13 Qualifications in the workplace Source: DfEE, LFS, 2001

14 Employee Skill Levels Source: OECD, 1999

15 Skills and Learning Intelligence Module Helpdesk - 01392 264850

16 Activity Rates Source: Labour Force Surveys, Eurostat

17 Why have older men stopped working? n Economic activity rate for 60 - 64 year olds fell from 80% to 50% from 1980 - 2000 n Economic activity rate for 55 to 59 year olds fell from 90% to 75% n By mid 1990’s, a quarter of 60-64 year old males a fifth of 55-59 year old males were in receipt of invalidity benefits n Only one third of 60 year old males are in employment Disney - ‘Why have older men stopped working?, The state of working Britain, 1998.

18 Participation in Education & Training by Age

19 Skills and Learning Intelligence Module Helpdesk - 01392 264850

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