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Carbohydrates Carbo = carbon from carbon dioxide in the atmosphere plus Hydro = water from the ground makes Sugar (a carbohydrate)

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Presentation on theme: "Carbohydrates Carbo = carbon from carbon dioxide in the atmosphere plus Hydro = water from the ground makes Sugar (a carbohydrate)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Carbohydrates Carbo = carbon from carbon dioxide in the atmosphere plus Hydro = water from the ground makes Sugar (a carbohydrate)


3 Interactive Tutorial Practice Quiz!!! Take this one Another Carbohydrate Quiz..Review!! Carbohydrate Notes and Animations Notes on Carbohydrates Link http://www.wisc-

4 Carbohydrates and Your Health Disaccharide Monosaccharide Polysaccharide

5 FIBER: Soluble versus Insoluble Both forms cannot be digested or absorbed by the body. Insoluble fiber: does not absorb water; maintains a stable pH in the intestines that prevents the “bad” bacteria from growing in your colon; removes dangerous toxins from your colon constantly. (NOTE: Colon Cancer is America’s #2 Killer!!) Soluble fiber: absorbs water and forms a “gel” that softens stool; lowers LDL cholesterol (the “bad cholesterol), slows the rate of sugar absorption. Foods include: beans, nuts and seeds, all fruits and vegetable with skin intact, leafy greens, whole grains.

6 Carbohydrate “Lingo” Glycemic Index (GI): how quickly a food raises your blood sugar. Rates foods a “fast carbs” or “slow carbs”. (Sugars = fast carbs) ndex.php ndex.php

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