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35 Years of JRS: 1980-2015 … struck and shocked by the plight of thousands of boat people and refugees, I asked what the universal Society could do to.

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Presentation on theme: "35 Years of JRS: 1980-2015 … struck and shocked by the plight of thousands of boat people and refugees, I asked what the universal Society could do to."— Presentation transcript:


2 35 Years of JRS: 1980-2015 … struck and shocked by the plight of thousands of boat people and refugees, I asked what the universal Society could do to bring at least some relief to such a tragic situation.” - Pedro Arrupe, S.J ACCOMPANY SERVEADVOCATE

3 Mission Statement The mission of the Jesuit Refugee Service is to accompany, serve, and advocate for the rights of refugees and other forcibly displaced persons. As a Catholic organization and a work of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits), JRS is inspired by the compassion and love of Jesus for the poor and excluded. ACCOMPANY SERVEADVOCATE

4 Pope Francis’ words «Today there are almost 60 million refugees in the world. Behind these statistics are people, each of them with a name, a face, a story, an inalienable dignity which is theirs as a child of God.»

5 Who is a refugee? “JRS understands the term ‘refugee’ to include persons persecuted because of race, religion, membership in social, ethnic or political groups, internally displaced persons, and ‘de facto refugees’ who are fleeing their homes because of armed conflict, erroneous economic policy or natural disasters.”

6 Refugees from sub-Saharan Africa arriving in Sicily, 2014

7 The Human Face of the Crisis UNHCR: By 2015 over 59.5 million people were forcibly displaced from their homes and countries Half were children 38.2 million internally displaced persons 19.5 million refugees 1.8 million asylum seekers

8 Living the Gospel JRS in an International Humanitarian, Faith Based Organization. We accompany and serve people in refugee camps, detention centers, urban settings advocating for their human rights and dignity.

9 Where we work - What we do 2015: We serve 1 million refugees in 45 countries We have 1700 employees, 4400 refugee teachers, 65 Jesuits, and 50 religious sisters We operate with a global budget of USD 50 million

10 Our Programs Pastoral ministry Formal education Non-formal education Income generation Legal aid Psycho-social support Advocacy Emergency aid JRS International implements projects on:

11 People served in 2014: 759,400

12 JRS Asia Pacific

13 JRS-sponsored school for Burmese refugees in Mae Hong Son on the Thai-Burma borde Burmese refugees attend a life skills class in Mae Hong Son on the Thai-Burma border

14 JRS South Asia

15 JRS tailoring class for Chin refugee women, Delhi, Indian JRS higher education class in Bamyan, Afghanistan JRS sponsored pre-school for Tamil children, Adampan, Sri Lanka

16 JRS Latin America

17 Buenaventura, Colombia: JRS works to address the root causes of forced displacement and empower people to claim their rights. San Lorenzo, Ecuador: home visits with displaced Colombians Buenaventura, Colombia: home visits with internally displaced people

18 JRS USA/Canada

19 Serving food to deportees at Kino Border Initiative: Nogales, Mexico Haitian Internally Displaced Girl studying in JRS school. Haitian Internally Displaced Boy studying in JRS school.

20 JRS Europe

21 Malta: an immigrant sitting at the window of a detention centre in Safi

22 JRS Great Lakes JRS Southern Africa JRS West Africa JRS Eastern Africa Sub- Saharan Africa

23 Displaced persons in North Kivu Province, DR Congo Children receiving emergency assistance in Goma, North Kivu Province, DR Congo Celebrating International Women’s Day in the JRS community center in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Women at Bakery Training in Johannesburg, South Africa

24 JRS Middle East and North Africa

25 JRS food warehouse in Aleppo, Syria JRS field kitchen in Aleppo, Syria Jad Jabbour, S.J., JRS P.D. in Lebanon and Tony Calleja, S.J., Assistant Regional Director of JRS MENA, with an imam in Byblos, Lebanon Syrian children at the JRS ALP/school in Bourj-hamoud, Beirut, Lebanon

26 “Hospitality is that deeply human and Christian value that recognizes the claim that someone has, not because he or she is a member of my family or my community or my race or my faith, but simply because he or she is a human being who deserves welcome and respect.” - Adolfo Nicolás, S.J. JRS is Gospel hospitality in action!


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