Student Rep Training 2015/16 Turn up the Volume, Have your Say.

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Presentation on theme: "Student Rep Training 2015/16 Turn up the Volume, Have your Say."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Rep Training 2015/16 Turn up the Volume, Have your Say

2 Congratulations on being nominated Student Rep! Where do I go for help? Personal Tutor Progress Coach Student VoiceTeam: Katie Rhodes – Student Voice Officer– Moira Lassey – Student Voice Administrator

3 Aims & Objectives Explain the role and responsibilities of a Student Rep Provide information on all Student Voice opportunities and roles Outline the benefits of getting involved Tell you more about the NUS and KC Student Union Make sure you are informed of important dates

4 What does a Student Rep need to do? Let everyone in your class know you are their rep – wear your orange lanyard Hold Student Voice meetings with your class (2 per year) Give the meeting minutes (notes) to your Progress Coach after your meeting Post updates on KCSU Twitter and Facebook Continually listen to student life with your classmates

5 Consider putting yourself forward for other Student Voice roles including Super Rep, Student Governor or Student Union Officer Feedback college management responses to students Represent your class by attending Student Parliament meetings (2 per year) Attend the college’s Annual Student Conference

6 Why should you be a Student Rep? You can make a difference by creating positive change within the college Helps increase your confidence Certificate of recognition at the end of the year Develops vital skills for employment (communication, teamwork and professional skills) An excellent addition to your CV and/or applications for further studies

7 How to conduct a Student Voice meeting DO Be on time Speak with your Progress Coach/Personal Tutor about holding your meetings during your tutorial session They will either set the agenda up on the whiteboard or print the agenda for the class Ask the Vice Rep (if you have one) or a volunteer to make notes of what is said during the meeting Read the meeting introduction to the class and go over the meeting rules included at the top of the agenda

8 DO’s cont… Follow all the questions on the agenda Encourage everyone to get involved Discuss the things the college does well and areas for improvement Agree a minimum of 3 views/ideas your group wants to share with the College Senior Leadership team Respect others’ views and beliefs Be helpful in finding solutions Remain calm and unbiased Give the notes of the meeting to the Progress Coach/Personal Tutor at the end

9 DON’T Interrupt people when they are speaking Talk over someone else Let just a few people in the class take over/dominate the meeting Name specific tutors, staff members or students Lose your temper or shout Be negative

10 What is the National Union of Students?  NUS is a national organisation to defend your rights and campaign to improve the lives of students  All Kirklees College students are members of the Student Union unless they opt out  A benefit of the NUS is the NUS Extra card which offers a range of discounts on shopping, entertainment, travel and lots more  To obtain an NUS Extra card to receive fantastic discounts visit

11 What is KC Student Union? Led by an Executive Committee of SU Officers voted in by students at the November Student Parliaments President (this includes the role of a Student Governor) Vice President Activities Officer Welfare Officer Campaigns Officer Communications Officer Disability Officer Equality Officer International Officer Student Governor

12 Super Rep The Super Rep role is open to all Student Reps All curriculum areas will be represented by one Super Rep It is a paid role: the amount of work you do as a Super Rep will determine the level of payment you receive

13 Student Parliament – November 2015 Student Parliament Attended by Student Reps, Super Reps and SU Executive Team, Student Governor Dewsbury 24/11/15, 12.00 – 1.30pm Waterfront 26/11/15, 12.00 – 1.30pm (To include election of SU Executive Team and Student Governors)

14 Important Information In Class Student Voice meeting Meetings to take place during tutorial Term 1: 9 – 13 November 2015 Term 2: 8 - 12 February 2016 Information on all Student Voice roles is available: VLE – Student Voice section Progress Coach/Personal Tutor Student Voice Team Deadlines for applications/expressions of interest 9 th November 2015.

15 Useful Contacts Contact: Katie Rhodes, Student Voice Officer Tel: 01484 437000 Ext 7433 Moira Lassey, Student Voice Administrator Tel 01484 437000 Ext 7342

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