Canadian and World Issues While we go through this power point please answer the following questions: a. What are global issues? b. What are the characteristics.

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Presentation on theme: "Canadian and World Issues While we go through this power point please answer the following questions: a. What are global issues? b. What are the characteristics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Canadian and World Issues While we go through this power point please answer the following questions: a. What are global issues? b. What are the characteristics of global issues? c. What are the implications of global issues?

2 Canadian and World Issues determine the future of the human species. Political, social, environmental, economic, health, and security concerns are all impacted by global issues and are in themselves, global issues.

3 Canadian and World Issues The very concept of issues that are global in scale is new. The term "global issues" has only recently entered our vocabulary.

4 Global issues have, or hold the potential for, far- reaching impacts on people and the planet. Global issues are 1. Trans-national / trans-boundary Beyond the capability of any one nation to resolve. Canadian and World Issues

5 Their onset may take years, decades, or even generations to be felt, and may require similar time frames to be resolved. 2. Persistent, long-acting (occurring repeatedly over time)

6 3. Interconnected A change in one – whether for better or worse –exerts pressure for similar change in the others. Canadian and World Issues

7 4. Significant Global issues are not just events; rather they are the driving forces, or underlying causes, behind events. Problems? Opportunities? They can compel us to change. Canadian and World Issues

8 The Iceberg Model This is where the biggest changes need to be

9 What is an Issue? An important subject open to discussion and debate.

10 Characteristics of an Issue Generates concerns about how the outcome will affect the well-being of the earth’s environments and species Has complex causes Has complex solutions Involves interrelated political, environmental, social, and economic aspects

11 Implications of an Issue A single issue has interrelated aspects Political Implications: Power and Control Environmental Implications: Features that impact both the natural environment and the environment within which people interact with nature. Social Implications: Interpersonal relations or the relations among communities Economic Implications: Financial costs (Having the problem, cost of its remedy, benefits of solution)‏




15 And…the answer is… When Lebanese citizens were allowed back into their neighbourhoods in Beirut for the first time after Israeli bombing raids, a group of young Lebanese men and women viewed the damage.

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