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Plan’s Global Campaign to unleash the power of girls and secure a brighter future for all.

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Presentation on theme: "Plan’s Global Campaign to unleash the power of girls and secure a brighter future for all."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plan’s Global Campaign to unleash the power of girls and secure a brighter future for all

2 The Because I am a Girl campaign is Plan’s commitment to unlocking the astonishing potential of girls around the world by securing girls’ rights and ending gender discrimination.

3 The Plight of girls. Girls in the poorest regions of the world are among the most disadvantaged people on the planet. They face unique barriers to survival and development, simply because they’re girls.

4 The Power of girls. Girls hold the power to break the inter- generational cycle of poverty. By educating girls, by giving them nourishment, health care, and protection, they will flourish and go on to improve the lives of those around them.

5 Campaign Goal The goal of Plan’s Because I Am A Girl campaign commits to building the human capital of girls through knowledge and skills, aiming to equip, enable and empower girls of all ages to acquire the assets, skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in life. Key to this are safe and quality learning environments for girls, both formal and non-formal.

6 Campaign Outcomes & Impact Campaign Theme Girls gain skills for life: ‘Learning for Life’ Campaign Outcomes Girls enroll and complete quality primary and secondary education in a safe and supportive community environment and acquire the skills they need to access decent economic opportunities. Girls have time and space to become active citizens and develop safe social networks and life skills. Campaign Impact Girls are empowered to enjoy their rights: they have increased financial skills and economic assets, and their social position and value is recognized in society.

7 Through the campaign, Plan wants to have a lasting impact on: 4m girls directly 40m girls and boys through gender-aware and gender-transformative programmes 400m girls through policy change

8 Because I am a Girl is also about creating a global social movement for positive and sustainable change in the lives of girls connecting millions of girls, boys, women and men together and with the campaign by combining the efforts of Plan’s 70 offices around the world, and engaging other like minded organizations and personalities to act as champions and ambassadors for girls rights.

9 It’s time to create a social movement for girls

10 This global social movement will aim to: Secure secondary education and build skills for adolescent girls to enhance their opportunities in life Challenge gender stereotypes, to liberate both girls and boys so that they can be themselves and achieve their full potential Empower girls to speak out and become leaders and agents of change Highlight the need for addressing the issue of girls’ rights and celebrate the awesome potential of girls in helping to break the cycle of poverty Engage boys and men for gender justice, ensuring that they understand how, far from being a ‘woman’s only’ issue, achieving gender equality involves and benefits boys and men too.

11 Material Assets (School Books) Social Assets (Safe spaces and peer networks) Personal Assets (Life Skills) Financial Assets (Vocational Training) Formal Schoolin g Non formal Educatio n The Because I am a Girl Campaign Theory Of Change Acquire Assets Overcome Barriers Principal Duty Bearers to achieve changes in institutional support for girls’ rights(laws, policies, services) Moral Duty Bearers t o achieve family and community support for girls’ rights (social structures in which families and communities operate) Rights Holders t o achieve improvements in the lives of girls (social position and condition of girls) Sub Theme 1 (Outcome) Girls enrol and complete quality primary and secondary education in a safe and supportive community environment Sub Theme 1 (Outcome) Girls enrol and complete quality primary and secondary education in a safe and supportive community environment Sub Theme 2 (Outcome) Girls have time and space to become active citizens and develop safe social networks and life skills Sub Theme 2 (Outcome) Girls have time and space to become active citizens and develop safe social networks and life skills Impact Girls are empowered to enjoy their rights; they have increased financial skills and economic assets and their social position and value is recognized in society Impact Girls are empowered to enjoy their rights; they have increased financial skills and economic assets and their social position and value is recognized in society Target groups and dimension s of change

12 Because I am a Girl: Plan’s Integrated Global Campaign 2. Advocacy Policy changes improve the lives of 400 million girls 3. Marketing, Communications and Fundraising Plan Is the lead organisation on girls’ rights and empowerment 500 million Euros raised for BIAAG 1 Programme Learning for Life changes lives of 4 Million girls directly Gender Aware Programmes impact 40 Million boys and girls Structure Gender is mainstreamed throughout Plan Plan systems track the impact and KPIs of the campaign and provide timely information Governance and decision making structure is fit for purpose - ie decisions are clear, timely, made at the right level and communicated in the right way to the right people and implemented People and Capabilities Plan staff have the capabilities they need to implement the campaign Plan works with key partners to implement BIAAG People and Capabilities Plan staff have the capabilities they need to implement the campaign Plan works with key partners to implement BIAAG

13 2007 2008 2009 2010 Highlighting girls’ economic rights and empowerment Looking at girls in conflict and post conflict Overview on the state of the world’s girls Girls in Urban and Digital environments Our evidence base: The State of the World’s Girls Report Series

14 2011 A ground-breaking report on the role of boys and men in working for gender equality. The attitudes and behavior of men and boys, often seen as part of the problem, need to become part of the solution. So, what about boys?

15 Education can be the foundation that girls need to survive and thrive. This report looks behind these expectations and examines what it will take for educators and governments to fulfill the promise of education and meet their obligations to adolescent girls. It examines the challenges faced by girls from many different backgrounds as they struggle to access education and to learn. It looks at the detail of what is taught, both in terms of the curriculum and the attitudes that are passed on. It looks beyond the numbers of girls in school to the power of learning to transform the lives of young women and the communities they live in. And it examines how, in a world marked by inequality, education can address the needs, rights and opportunities of adolescent girls to enable them to take their place as active and equal citizens. 2012 State of the World‘s Girls Report : Title TBC Each of the past ‘Because I am a Girl’ reports has talked about the importance of education for empowering girls and giving them the tools they need to function in the global economy, to manage the impact of conflict on their lives, to negotiate with the men and boys in their lives, and to live in a rapidly urbanising and digitised world. Education can be the foundation that girls need to survive and thrive. This report looks behind these expectations and examines what it will take for educators and governments to fulfill the promise of education and meet their obligations to adolescent girls. It examines the challenges faced by girls from many different backgrounds as they struggle to access education and to learn. It looks at the detail of what is taught, both in terms of the curriculum and the attitudes that are passed on. It looks beyond the numbers of girls in school to the power of learning to transform the lives of young women and the communities they live in. And it examines how, in a world marked by inequality, education can address the needs, rights and opportunities of adolescent girls to enable them to take their place as active and equal citizens.

16 Thank you for your attention!

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