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RTI Trends & Issues Keith Drieberg Brad McDuffee San Bernardino City Unified School District Keith Drieberg Brad McDuffee San Bernardino City Unified School.

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Presentation on theme: "RTI Trends & Issues Keith Drieberg Brad McDuffee San Bernardino City Unified School District Keith Drieberg Brad McDuffee San Bernardino City Unified School."— Presentation transcript:

1 RTI Trends & Issues Keith Drieberg Brad McDuffee San Bernardino City Unified School District Keith Drieberg Brad McDuffee San Bernardino City Unified School District


3 Overview Comparison of Terms Between Systems TermAIMSWEBDistrictGrade Level Frequency Tier I/II/IIILevelsTiers III (Red Zone)Progress Monitor IntensiveInstruction al Weekly II (Yellow Zone) StrategicTargetedAssigned1 x Monthly I (Green Zone)Benchmar k School- wide Screenin gs Assigned3 Times a Year

4 Which Measures Levels I and II  Kindergarten Fall - Letter Naming Fluency (LNF) Winter - LNF & Phoneme Segmentation Fluency (PSF) Spring - LNF & PSF  1st Grade Fall - Nonsense Word Fluency (NWF) & Oral Reading Fluency (ORF) Winter - NWF & ORF Spring - NWF & ORF  2nd Grade Fall - ORF Winter – ORF Spring - ORF

5 Which Measures Levels I and II (Continued)  3 rd Grade Through 5 th Grade Fall - ORF Winter - ORF Spring - ORF  6 th Grade - Elementary Fall – ORF Winter - ORF Spring - ORF & MAZES  6 th Grade – Middle School & 7 th, 8 th, 9 th Grades Fall – Mazes & ORF as needed Level II Winter – Mazes & ORF as needed Level II Spring – Mazes & ORF as needed Level II

6 New ORF and MAZE Norm Data From Grade 1- Through Grade12

7 Goal Setting - General  Each student should have a year-long goal (you want the student to be performing at the 50th percentile on grade level material)  Every goal should have: Time frame (when the goal should be reached) Behavior (what the desired level of performance is) Condition (which measure and where you obtained it from) Criterion (which grade level passage you are using - if applicable)

8 Sample ORF Goal  Oral Reading Fluency (Fluency) In (#) of weeks (student name) will read (#) word correct in 1 minute as measured by a (grade ___ ) (DIBELS or AIMSWeb Oral Reading Fluency Measure).

9 Norms and Growth Rates

10 Why We Need Both Assigned Grade Level and Instructional Grade Level Goals and Progress Monitoring 6 th Grade90 WC 7 th Grade120 WC 8 th Grade150 WC

11 5 th Grade Oral Reading Fluency End of year goal FallWinter Spring >80%69.568.4 Goal: To Have >80% Of Students function at Tier I by the end of the school year. Note: Tier I includes students in Quintiles 3-5

12 5 th Grade Oral Reading Fluency End of year goal FallWinter Spring >46%10.118.4 Goal: To Have 46%Of Students Proficient by the end of the school year. Note: Proficiency is Quintiles 4-5 in California AYP Adequate Yearly Progress Federal Measure Mandated by No Child Left Behind (NCLB)

13 5 th Grade Oral Reading Fluency Benchmark Summary Jan. 2009 %ile Level Goals Fall Sept. 2008 Winter Jan. 2009 =>10%7.26.7 =>15%2.911.7 =>50%59.450.0 <7.5%14.515.0 <7.5% <10%15.916.7







20 RESPONSE TO Intervention POLICY CONSIDERATIONS AND IMPLEMENTATION Order at: Cost: $15 with discounts for large orders

21 Questions?

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