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November 13, 2015 Entry Task Items you need: Pen / Pencil All other items must be removed from your desk.

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Presentation on theme: "November 13, 2015 Entry Task Items you need: Pen / Pencil All other items must be removed from your desk."— Presentation transcript:

1 November 13, 2015 Entry Task Items you need: Pen / Pencil All other items must be removed from your desk.

2 A Few Things To Remember Need to know books by today. Team logos by Monday. (2” x 6 ¼”) Paragraph due Monday. Debate will be Monday & Tuesday 11/30 & 12/1

3 Today’s GoalsToday’s Goals You will be able to: Competently determine appropriate vocabulary words to use in sentences. You will show this by: Completing the vocabulary assessment. Part of your final for the semester will include a comprehensive (summative) vocabulary test.

4 Quiz ExpectationsQuiz Expectations  Do Your Own Work  Keep Your Work To Yourself  Remain Silent Until Everyone Has Finished  Read Your Book  Work On The Paragraph That Is Due Monday

5 Vocabulary Slide 1Vocabulary Slide 1  Acquiesce – Verb – To accept the conclusions / arrangements of others  Children are often forced to acquiesce to the demands of adults.  Bombastic – Adj. – Marked by use of language without real meaning  Politicians tend to be bombastic in their speeches, and then do nothing once elected.  Capitulate – Verb – To surrender; to cease resisting  It looks as though the Empire has refused to capitulate to the Rebellion’s demands in the new Star Wars movie.  Deflate – Verb – To reduce in size or importance  There’s nothing like a bad grade to deflate a good day.  Egregious – Adj. – Extraordinarily bad  It wasn’t until the 1990s that the tobacco industry’s egregious cover-up of smoking’s link to cancer was truly uncovered.

6 Vocabulary Slide 2Vocabulary Slide 2  Fitful – Adj. – Spasmodic; intermittent  New parents often experience fitful nights of sleep for several months.  Gratuitous – Adj. – Unnecessary; uncalled for  Students worried about page limits often add gratuitous amounts of detail to their writing.  Hierarchy – Noun – Organization by rank, class, or grade  If I had my way, the world would be run on a hierarchy of nerdiness.  Impartial – Adj. – Showing no favoritism; fair  Students often wonder if it’s possible for teachers to be impartial while grading.  Lassitude – Noun – Sate or feeling of being tired or weary  The day after prom is usually a day of lassitude for dance-goers.

7 Vocabulary Slide 3Vocabulary Slide 3  Meticulous – Adj. – Very careful about details  George Lucas’s meticulous attention to special effects is what made Star Wars one-of-a-kind in 1977.  Opportunist – Noun – One who takes advantage of opportunity with no regard for moral principles  Jack’s nature as an opportunist during group projects earned him a bad reputation, and everyone refused to work with him.  Partisan –Noun – One who strongly supports a party or cause  The partisan supporters of the American Revolution ended up winning the war.  Quixotic – Adj. – Idealistic and utterly impractical  Some people regard the search for true love as quixotic ; I, however, hold out hope.  Raze – Verb – To tear down completely; to destroy  The military has a tendency to raze the confidence of new recruits, hoping to later raise it in a different fashion.

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