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Chapter 28: The Conservative Resurgence Section 3: The End of the Cold War.

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1 Chapter 28: The Conservative Resurgence Section 3: The End of the Cold War

2 Reagan Builds Up Military Largest peacetime buildup in U.S. history. Reagan felt USSR could not keep up. Strategic Defense Initiative: proposed land and space based lasers to destroy missiles.

3 Reagan Aids Anticommunists Trained Mujahadeen: anti-USSR rebels in Afghanistan. Funded Contras: anti-communist rebels in Nicaragua to Overthrow Sandinistas. Invasion of Grenada: keep from becoming communist and protect U.S. medical students. U.S. supported govt in El Salvador despite human rights violations.

4 Caribbean Map

5 Soviet Union

6 Mikhail Gorbachev Reforms USSR Met with Reagan 4 times between 1985- 1989. Glasnost: “a new openness.” Perestroika: Reform.

7 Cold War Ends 1987: “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” Berlin Wall falls: 1989. German reunification: 1990. Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Romania: 1989. Albania: 1990. Yugoslavia: 1991. End of USSR: 1991.

8 Boris Yeltzin

9 Problems in the Middle East U.S. soldiers bombed in Beirut: 1983. 142 killed. Libya: U.S. claims Muammar al-Qaddafi supported terrorism.


11 Iran-Contra Affair (1985-1987) “Arms for hostages”. – Iran promises to pressure terrorist groups in Lebanon to release U.S. hostages. U.S. used money to fund Contras. – Banned in 1983.

12 Reagan accepted responsibility but never admitted being aware. 14 indictments. 11 convictions. – Some appealed, some pardond by H.W. Bush. Oliver North: National Security Council. – Gave money to Contras.

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