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Conservative v Liberal What is the difference?. Conservatives Are more likely to be Republican Tend to favor traditional social values  What are some.

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Presentation on theme: "Conservative v Liberal What is the difference?. Conservatives Are more likely to be Republican Tend to favor traditional social values  What are some."— Presentation transcript:

1 Conservative v Liberal What is the difference?

2 Conservatives Are more likely to be Republican Tend to favor traditional social values  What are some examples?

3 Distrust government action except in matters of national security Are slow to advocate change Place a priority on maintaining social order

4 Liberals Value the possibilities of progress and change Trust the government Look for new ways to solve social problems Focus on expanding individual rights and free expression

5 Conservative/Liberal half-sheet Quietly and independently fill out.

6 Applying conservative/liberal ideology to the Reagan era Who supported tax cuts for the wealthy – Republicans or Democrats?

7 Conservatives/Republicans

8 Who would have supported reduced spending on social programs?

9 Conservatives/Republicans

10 Who would have supported laws protecting the rights of minorities and women?

11 Liberals/Democrats

12 Why did conservatives gain power in the 1970s and early 80s?

13 White southerners were traditionally democrats – they started shifting parties because of the civil rights legislation in the 1960s

14 What is another name for supply-side economics?

15 Reaganomics  Emphasized tax cuts; people would have more money to spend and that would help the economy

16 When President Reagan was shot, what did that do to his popularity?

17 Star Wars Program What was it?

18 President Reagan proposed the creation of the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) Create a space-based anti-missile system. This program was immediately dubbed "Star Wars.“ Intercept attacks by the Soviets Technology was too complex; program was cancelled

19 Reagan’s military buildup Largest buildup ever

20 Glasnost and Perestroika Gorbachev Glasnost – more openness; less censorship and more freedom of speech Perestroika – restructuring the Soviet economic and political system Led to the fall of communism

21 Fall of the Berlin Wall YouTube - Reagan - Tear Down This Wall YouTube - Nov. 9, 1989: The Berlin Wall Falls YouTube - The fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989

22 Space Shuttle Challenger YouTube - Challenger Space Shuttle Crash

23 Iran Contra Scandal Review -- Why did some Iranians hold American students as hostage?

24 Hostages were being held in Lebanon by terrorist groups. We sold weapons to Iran so Iran would pressure Lebanon to release the hostages. We used the money to fund a group of anti- communists in Nicaragua.

25 What is the problem? US had a policy refusing to negotiate w/ terrorists. Congress had passed a law saying no money would go to the Contras (the group in Nicaragua).

26 Is there a problem? What is the problem?

27 Reagan admitted responsibility but denied knowing details  His VP was the former head of the CIA!

28 Others were charged from the fallout of the scandal, but not Reagan. Reagan’s approval ratings remained high.

29 Reagan dies in 2004, at the age of 93, from Alzheimer's

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