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“The Super Hero Integrated Approach” Anne Coates Percy Hedley School.

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Presentation on theme: "“The Super Hero Integrated Approach” Anne Coates Percy Hedley School."— Presentation transcript:

1 “The Super Hero Integrated Approach” Anne Coates Percy Hedley School

2 Anne Coates UK Government directives “Co-operative working is increasingly becoming the normal way of working. However, good examples of joint working too often rely on the goodwill of individuals” Laming 2003 Every child matters 2004 Bercow report “Better Communication” sets a challenge for everyone working with children and young people, including speech and language therapists, carers, health visitors, teachers and parents to create an environment in which every child has the best opportunities to succeed. “C A F is a key practice component of ECM. It sets out a framework to be used by children’s services – multi disciplinary teams – to improve co-operation and information sharing” 2004 “Care Matters”: time to deliver for children in care was launched to drive national improvement plans for looked after children. The main themes include multi-agency partnerships and integrated working. 2007

3 Anne Coates What is integrated working? Positive model Feels comfortable Feeling of togetherness Collaboration Sharing Effective outcomes

4 Anne Coates Models Multi agency Inter-agency Multi disciplinary Trans-agency Transdisciplinary Integrated working

5 Anne Coates Multi Agency More than one agency working together with a child. No crossing of professional boundaries.

6 Anne Coates Inter agency One or more agencies working together in a planned manner but on a skills based response.

7 Anne Coates Multi-disciplinary The multi-disciplinary approach is characterised by each discipline within the team working towards discipline-related goals. Team members work within the boundaries of their professional practice: progress is formally discussed at team meetings, effective communication is considered vital and the client’s role is minimal.

8 Anne Coates Trans agency Agencies work together with a key worker system to co-ordinate provision.

9 Anne Coates Trans-disciplinary The idea that to work between disciplinary fields requires, not a mixing together but, a change of ways of working and most importantly self. Pickett 2008

10 Anne Coates Integrated working Practitioners working together to develop and co-ordinate service provision for children using a common process for delivery.

11 Anne Coates What does this approach look like in practice? An integrated team who work and plan together. Set targets together. Write reports on children together. Work in the classroom together. Cross professional boundaries.

12 Integrated Team Speech & Language Teaching Occupational Therapy Physiotherapy …….the Fantastic Four!

13 Anne Coates “A common approach to training and skill development.” Aspen 1995 William & Wilkin 1990 Defines integrated working as “being epitomised as working together in a coherent, comprehensive and holistic manner.” Bertram 2002 Integrated Working

14 Anne Coates Integrated Working - 1 Crosses the boundaries between different fields by utilizing interdisciplinary knowledge. Through mutual learning the knowledge of all practitioners is enhanced.

15 Anne Coates Integrated Working - 2 An integrated team working effectively often have to go beyond their existing roles and find ways of working, listening, building empathy, consultation, negotiation, confidentially, professionalism, common language and mutual respect.

16 Anne Coates Integrated Working - 3 Professional differences need to disappear. People need to be less protective of their own roles. Know and value the expertise of colleagues in relation to the dynamics of the team.

17 Anne Coates Common Vision A common vision is a unifying factor and provides a fixed point for the team which can be reiterated if there are difficulties or points of disagreement.

18 Anne Coates Local Vision The local or school vision should fit with the national vision. A joint vision and policies can be developed in collaboration with practitioners and service users.

19 Anne Coates Integrated Working Looks Like:- Wider sources of knowledge to draw upon Clarity of role and function Value for money Increased morale Less isolation Broader perspective Team work Less replication Better links

20 Anne Coates Integrated Working Looks Like:- (2) High Satisfaction Solution focused work Improved quality of life for children Stimulating and creative work Greater awareness of a child’s and families needs Aids planning and future development Involves the child and family

21 Anne Coates Integrated Working Looks Like:- (3) Joint training Shared principles Improved attitudes and perceptions Improved knowledge, skills and practice Evaluating provides a way to assess whether outcomes have been achieved Results – changes to processes.

22 Anne Coates Areas for development Trust and respect Expectation Time Communication Roles Responsibilities

23 Anne Coates How is this achieved? Shared philosophy and vision. Support of senior managers/headteachers etc. Training Review of job descriptions Performance management/Quality assurance. Continual assessment, monitoring, evaluation and review.

24 Anne Coates WOW!!! The sum of the knowledge is greater than the knowledge of any single partner.

25 Anne Coates A Child with CP Physical difficulties Vision Hearing Medical needs Learning Speech and Language difficulties Feeding difficulties

26 Anne Coates An Integrated Team Parent OT Teacher SaLTSSA Conductor Physio

27 Anne Coates How Children Learn Children do not learn in isolation

28 Anne Coates “When I approach a child, he inspires in me two sentiments – tenderness for what he is, and respect for what he may become”. ~Louis Pasteur

29 Anne Coates Conclusion Together we can have a far deeper understanding of the children and young people we work with and therefore provide unique, high quality learning outcomes. Impact, impact, impact.

30 Anne Coates

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