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Annotations 101 Yes – I want to really teach you to annotate.

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1 Annotations 101 Yes – I want to really teach you to annotate.

2 Annotations 101 – The Theory O What does it mean to annotate? O It’s a common question – your English teacher asks you annotate your short story, but what are you supposed to do, and why? O To annotate literally means to write upon. O Realistically, it means to take notes while reading ON the page you’re reading. Annotations may vary a bit depending on what you’re reading, but the basics are the same.

3 Why are you making me do this? O Now, why? O Because, just like when taking notes in class, the more ways we can interact with information, the more that information sticks. Active reading means reading slowly – really slowly – and taking the time to pull the text apart as you go.

4 What You Do: Fiction O If it makes sense – for a shorter section of a story or for a poem – number the paragraphs or stanzas. Again, these make great reference points. O As you read, circle descriptive words and names that give us concrete clues about what’s going on. O Look for the names of new characters and clues about setting. O Again, also circle new vocabulary and define these in the margins.

5 Then - O Underline or highlight figurative language and other lines that add depth. O Look for analogies, allusions, metaphors, personification, imagery, etc. O Also underline lines that stand out to you – you know, those lines that a character or narrator drops that reveal something much more significant that a plot point. O In the margins, you can do things like: O Respond to the passage O Define terms O Pose questions O Summarize a complex section O Analyze a moment in the novel and its effect (this is a big one)

6 Other Considerations O So, how much of this “annotating” should I do? O There should be information on every page you read. Yes, that seems like a lot. Yes, it will take time. O Why is this taking me so long? O Because slowing down and digging in means you’re not just rushing through the reading. Academic reading is supposed to be different and more challenging.

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