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Shroff S.R. Rotary Institute Chemical Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "Shroff S.R. Rotary Institute Chemical Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shroff S.R. Rotary Institute Chemical Technology

2 Outline Non-ferrous alloy Properties and application of different alloy

3 Lead and its alloys Lead is the oldest of the commonly used metals and the softest of the heavy metals. Metallic lead has a bluish-white colour after being freshly cut, but it soon tarnishes to a dull grayish color when exposed to air. Lead has a FCC crystal structure.

4 Properties of lead It has low melting point of 327 C and density is 11.34kg/dm3. It is very resistant to corrosion, against most acids, but not against aqua regia. Its strength, hardness and elasticity are low. Lead can be easily be soldered, welded and cast.

5 Properties of lead Heavy weight High density Softness Malleability Lubricating properties High coefficient of expansion Low electrical conductivity

6 Uses and application of lead Manufacture of storage batteries. Tank linings for corrosion protection. Pipes and drainage fitting. Low melting solders. Lead sheathing of electric cable. Radiation protection.


8 Tin and its alloys Tin is a non-toxic white, soft and pliable metal adaptable to cold working such as rolling, extrusion and spinning. Tin metal at a low temperature is highly fluid when molten and has a high boiling point which facilitates its use as a coating for other metal. Tin is white, lustrous, soft, malleable, ductile, resistant to corrosion.

9 Tin and its alloys Tin has good resistance to acidic corrosion therefore it is used as a coating on steel containers for food. Tin alloy with Cu, Sb, Bi, Cd and Ag increases the hardness.

10 Particle of Tin

11 Zinc and zinc base alloy Zinc is a blue to gray metallic element. It has relatively low melting point, 419.5 C. Good resistance to atmospheric corrosion. Inherent ductility and malleability.

12 Application of zinc Stamping Die casting Anodes for electro-galvanizing Fabricated shape Shells for dry batteries Wire for metallizing etc.

13 Particle of zinc


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