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Participles and Participial Phrases. The Participle A verb form That can be used as an adjective.

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Presentation on theme: "Participles and Participial Phrases. The Participle A verb form That can be used as an adjective."— Presentation transcript:

1 Participles and Participial Phrases

2 The Participle A verb form That can be used as an adjective.

3 Two kinds of Participles: Present Past

4 Present Participles Usually end in -ing.

5 Present Participle Example: The running faucet kept dripping all night. Running describes what kind of a faucet. Dripping is part of the verb. It is what the faucet was doing.

6 Past Participles Usually end in -ed -d or -t.

7 Past Participle Example: The ruined carpet had to be replaced. Ruined describes what kind of a carpet. Replaced is part of the verb. It is what happened to the carpet.

8 Participles in Action: The cantering horses were frightened by the crowd. Cantering is a form of the verb to canter. Cantering modifies the noun horses. What kind of horses? Cantering horses.

9 Participles in Action: Buried by pirates, the treasure was found in the cove. Buried is a form of the verb to bury. Buried modifies the noun treasure. What kind of treasure? Buried treasure.

10 Do not confuse participles used as adjectives with participles used in verb phrases!

11 See the difference: Participle: Broken, the toy still ran. Verb Phrase: The toy was broken but still ran.

12 See the difference: Participle: Planning their trip, the class learned some geography. Verb Phrase: While they were planning their trip, the class learned some geography.

13 Wait! Wait! That’s not all! Participles also come in phrases!

14 What is a phrase again? A group of related words That function as one part of speech And do not contain a verb and its subject.

15 The Participial Phrase is A group of related words That contain a participle Act together as one adjective A prepositional phrase often follows the participle and is considered part of the participial phrase.

16 The Participial Phrase in Action Sitting down at the table, I gave my mom the class schedule. Sitting down at the table describes “I” and what I was doing. I is a pronoun, so the phrase is acting as an adjective describing a pronoun.

17 The Participial Phrase in Action She and I discussed the classes offered for ninth- graders next year. Offered for ninth graders next year describes the classes. Classes is a noun, so the phrase is acting as an adjective describing a noun.

18 Participles are verb forms used as adjectives Participial phrases are phrases that contain a participle and act as an adjective.

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