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Starfall website Done by: Mariam Mohammed ID: 200881226 COL 270 006 Where children have fun learning to read!

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Presentation on theme: "Starfall website Done by: Mariam Mohammed ID: 200881226 COL 270 006 Where children have fun learning to read!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Starfall website Done by: Mariam Mohammed ID: 200881226 COL 270 006 Where children have fun learning to read!

2 Outline Introduction. Introduction. Why online resources are important? Why I choose Starfall. Who can use it? Bibliography. Other examples of online resources. Other examples of online resources. How you can use the website? What are the content of Starfall?

3 Introduction Starfall website is an online resource for primary education. It is free of charge so anyone can access to it. It is teach the kids how to read accurately. It is visual that kids can see the word and hear it with the sound of the letters. Outline

4 Why online resources are important? Moreover, any one can access it in anytime, and anywhere. Nowadays, most of the classes have internet so online resources will made it easy to them. The online resources are very useful in learning, we use internet every day and by having resources online, it will make it easy to us to get benefit from it. Outline

5 Why I choose Starfall It is very useful to children. Children will like this website because they can use it by themselves without any help. It has many activities and videos that children will enjoy doing it. Many teachers can use it in the classrooms to break the routine of reading from textbook, or book. Outline

6 Who can use it Preschool, kindergarten, first grade, second grade, fourth grade special education, home school children, and any kid who have low level in reading. Outline

7 The content of Starfall Recognize the letters with the sounds and examples of words in each letter. There are many different section for music, magic, and art gallery. Different stories for different levels. Activities: for examples, make a word. Many different games. Outline

8 How you can use the website Just click the option that you wanted to see, for example if u click this buttons. You will have options to choose from the list, play or book. Play is a game and book is the stories. Then, the story will appear. Outline

9 How you can use the website The website is very simple and clear in using it. When you click on “learn to read” it will guide you to many option of music, magic, art. If you choose music; will appear a picture, text, and voice. It dose not work together, the kid should choose what to start of enlarge the picture, or listen to the music, or to read out load the text. It is very easy and fun to use. Outline

10 How you can use the website Outline

11 How you can use the website It is very easy website like any websites has options and can choose what do you want. There are variety of stories that children will like it, by click the option that you prefer. When you open anything in the website you will know what by click next. To learn more and discover it visit the website below

12 Video This video is an example of how the children will read and listen on the same time: a/sa/load.htm?f Outline

13 Other website resources There are many other websites resources that will help children in their learning. You can share these websites with your siblings and your children. visit the links below, tml tml Outline

14 Conclusion This website is a very useful tool for children. It is very useful for teachers and parents too; to help the children learn. By using this website the children will improve their skills in reading, listening, and learning the sounds. Do not miss it, it worth to try. Outline

15 Bibliography Abcya. (2011). Retrieved November, 14, 2011 from Chase, B. (2011). Starfall. Retrieved November 14, 2011 from Fun brain. (2011). Retrieved November 14, 2011 from Outline

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