2-23-16 Turn in “Piece of String” drafts Read “The Book” and begin analysis Goals:

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1 2-23-16 Turn in “Piece of String” drafts Read “The Book” and begin analysis Goals:


3 For Tuesday: H.P. Lovecraft’s short story, “The Book,” could be described as a “scary” story. In a paper no longer than two pages (using 12-point Times New Roman font and following MLA format), explain some aspect of the story that makes it “scary.”

4 For this assignment, you need to “explain some aspect of the story that makes it ‘scary.’” Hence, you need to know what kinds of things make any story “scary.” Think of some other scary stories, and make a list of features (or elements, or characteristics, or even specific scenes) that make those stories “scary.” Write your best answers on the board.

5 http://www.dagonbytes.com/thelibrary/lovecraft/thebook.htm

6 INVENTION: In pairs or small groups, make a list of features or elements that make the story “scary.” As you complete your list, write it on the board (but don’t repeat features already listed by someone else). ARRANGEMENT: Using the list on the board, look for pieces of evidence (in the story) to support different possible thesis statements, and generate a tentative thesis for your paper. Once you have a tentative thesis, read the story again, this time looking specifically for evidence to support your thesis. As time allows, beginning writing your paper. You might use an outline, you might start by putting your evidence into logical groups (for paragraphs), or you might simply write the thesis and keep going. Do what it takes to create a first draft.

7 Schedule: Today: Turn in Paper 3. 2/25HW: Write & revise a draft of “Book” paper. Tuesday: Bring copy of “Book” paper for evaluation. 3/1Read “The Terrible Old Man.” HW: Begin work on “Old Man” paper (Paper #4). Thursday:Bring “Old Man” work to class. 3/3HW: Write complete draft of “Old Man” paper. Tuesday:Bring complete draft of “Old Man” paper. 3/8HW: Revise “Old Man” paper; submit to turnitin.com. Thursday:Turn in “Old Man” paper. 3/10

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