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TEACHING STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS James Shinto CAS 310 Tuesdays 10:00 am.

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1 TEACHING STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS James Shinto CAS 310 Tuesdays 10:00 am

2 MANY DIFFERENT TYPES OF STUDENTS  There are many different types of students in a classroom  Variety of racial and ethnic backgrounds (EX: African Americans, Asians, white, etc.)  Students who have a primary language that is not English (EX: Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, etc)  Students with different academic abilities, achievements, and learning styles  Students with different classroom behavior  The number of students in the classroom  Students with special needs

3 WHEN WORKING WITH A STUDENT WITH SPECIAL NEEDS  A student with special needs goes through a program called fair and appropriate education (FAPE)  Student will have an appropriate evaluation then the parents, teachers, principal, and other professionals of the field will talk about the student’s individualized education program (IEP)  As a teacher, make sure you read the student’s IEP  When you see the special education teacher helping the student, try and work as a team to help the student understand the material  If there is a test or quiz in the class, let the special education teacher give out the test where there are no distractions and the teacher can answer any questions the student might have

4 WHEN WORKING WITH A DIVERSE GROUP OF STUDENTS  Simply Slow Down  Students have time to write down what is on the board or the powerpoint and able hear what the teacher has to say  One thing that students with special needs wished their college teachers did  Not speed talking to the board, but talking to the class and making sure they are understanding what you as a teacher is saying  Will cause  Less frustration  Students are more motivated when they are able to keep up with the lesson  Students perception will go up

5 WHEN WORKING WITH A DIVERSE GROUP OF STUDENTS  Pause Procedure  Take small breaks in the middle of the lecture  Give students time to catch up with the notes if they are behind in the class  During pause, let students that are ahead work on another example in a group or individually  Gives a teacher a rest from talking and makes sure the students do understand what is going on in the classroom  Causes  Less frustration when the students are able to catch up  Motivated when a student is keeping up with the rest of the class and the teacher, and actually understanding the material  Perception is increased because students can check with neighbors or asked the teacher questions

6 WHEN WORKING WITH A DIVERSE GROUP OF STUDENTS  Explicitly Teach the Big Ideas  Explain why the students are learning certain material  Give them the big picture why things have to be taught and how it can help with their future  Make sure you also put the State Standards on the board  Use examples that apply to the students  Causes  Motivation to learn the material that they will later apply to their career  Attention will increase so students will know what to expect  Memory will be able to retain the information better

7 WHEN WORKING WITH A DIVERSE GROUP OF STUDENTS  Provide an Advance Organizer  Listing the things that will be covered in class  The schedule of what is going to be done in class during the day  Homework for the week  Upcoming test and quizzes that are in bold  Causes  Students to be organized and ready for the class day  Less confusion because the student will know what to expect

8 WHEN WORKING WITH A DIVERSE GROUP OF STUDENTS  Provide a Plethora of Examples  Provide many different examples that the students will expect to see on their homework  Provide different examples that are not given in the book  Different scenarios  Let students do examples in front of the class  Use the examples that students will mostly see on the homework or on test and quizzes  Causes  Motivation higher because the student will know different ways to solve the problem  Attention is stronger so they will know what to expect on homework and test  Confusion will be less with all the different examples  Memory will be better

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