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Meeting the Needs of the Individual Learner Elkmont High School 2013-2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Meeting the Needs of the Individual Learner Elkmont High School 2013-2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meeting the Needs of the Individual Learner Elkmont High School 2013-2014

2 College and Career Ready Standards (CCRS) CCRS are objectives/skills adopted in math and language arts by 45 of 50 states. For example, this means that if a students moves to AL from one of the 45 states, he/she will have been taught the same objectives/skills that our students have been taught. Teachers are no longer “tied” to a book. The teacher teaches the objectives/skills with a variety of resources.

3 How Do We Know What CCS the Student Has Not Mastered? ALL teachers and administrators are analyzing the data from standardized tests, state tests, commercial tests, classroom tests, assignments, projects, observations, quizzes, etc. on an on- going basis. If a student requires remediation, that will be addressed through the Problem Solving Team. If a student requires advancement, that will be addressed through ACT Prep classes.

4 What is the Problem Solving Team (PST) The PST is a team composed of: teachers, librarian, counselors, and administrators The purpose of the PST is to assist teachers in addressing the needs of a student struggling in reading and/or math. The PST meets monthly and reviews data and skills addressed during the intervention period.

5 PST Procedure Teachers will review student data and complete a referral form to the PST To review this document, click on the following link (opens in a new window or tab): PST Referral Form 2013-2014 PST Referral Form 2013-2014 As noted on the document, a minimum of two skills will be addressed in a 30 minute daily intervention If the student continues to improve each month, he/she will remain with the PST If the student is not successful with the PST, he/she, with parent permission, will be referred for special education testing

6 Intervention Times Grades K-5 will address the needs of the struggling student in daily small group instruction within the self- contained classroom. Grades 6-12 will have a 30 minutes “enrichment” block at the end of 3 rd period each day. After analysis of data, students will be scheduled in ACT Prep online, ACT science, ACT math, ACT writing, reading remediation, math remediation, senior AHSGE remediation. A select few students will be scheduled in a 4-nine week rotation schedule in the following classes: 7 Habits; Test taking/study skills; Nutrition; College and Career Ready.

7 How Can Parents Help? Check with your child each night about their school day Help your child each night with homework Encourage your child to read daily Ensure that your child gets plenty of rest each night Provide healthy food choices for your child each day

8 Parents – Be Involved Participant in school events with your child Math and Reading nights are scheduled this year. Math night will be November 5, 2013.

9 Math Night Come join us for math night Students will show case their skills in math Students will teach math concepts to parents Information will be provided at a later date of when and how math night will be implemented.

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