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The U.S. Constitution Jobs and Laws. Repair or Replace? Founding Fathers realized that the Articles of Confederation were bad. Some of them thought that.

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Presentation on theme: "The U.S. Constitution Jobs and Laws. Repair or Replace? Founding Fathers realized that the Articles of Confederation were bad. Some of them thought that."— Presentation transcript:

1 The U.S. Constitution Jobs and Laws

2 Repair or Replace? Founding Fathers realized that the Articles of Confederation were bad. Some of them thought that they could be fixed. Others thought we just needed to scrap them. After months of arguing, they decided to replace them.

3 The New Constitution The new constitution had 3 branches of government. Federal government had more power than states. Constitution lists the powers of the government.

4 Why 3 Branches? Checks and Balances- Each branch has equal power so that 1 branch doesn’t get too powerful. The Articles of Confederation just had a Congress, no President or Supreme Court. They decided that 3 was the best for balance.

5 Legislative Branch Congress Makes laws Each state has representatives that go to the capital to make laws. There was a lot of debate as to how to divide up the seats in Congress.

6 Legislative Branch cont. Virginia Plan- Representation should be based on Population New Jersey Plan- All states should get the same amount of representatives. They decided on a compromise. 2 Houses. Senate- Each state gets 2 senators House of Representatives- Based on Population.

7 Executive Branch President, Vice President, and their Cabinet. Cabinet is basically all the guys who help the President. Their job is to enforce the laws.

8 Judicial Branch Supreme Court Job is to keep the President and Congress in check. Supreme Court judges are appointed by President and serve for the rest of their lives.

9 Arguments with the Constitution There were 2 arguments about the Constitution when it was first proposed. Some of the men thought the states should have more power. They also argued that there was no Bill of Rights. Federalists- The men who supported the Constitution Anti-Federalists- Opposed the Constitution

10 Bill of Rights Amendments- Changes to the Constitution Bill of Rights-The first 10 amendments. The Bill of Rights guarantees citizens all of the rights that our founding fathers thought they deserved.

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