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Planning & Community Development Department General Plan Implementation Strategy City Council February 29, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Planning & Community Development Department General Plan Implementation Strategy City Council February 29, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Planning & Community Development Department General Plan Implementation Strategy City Council February 29, 2016

2 Planning & Community Development Department Background 2 On January 25 th staff presented to Council the Department’s strategy to implement the 2015 General Plan Strategy previously presented:  Four year program estimated to cost approximately $7.3 million  Update the Zoning Code and Map  Update each Specific Plan  Establish Citywide Design Guidelines

3 Planning & Community Development Department City Council Direction 3 City Council supported the general strategy but directed staff to:  Condense the timeline to implement the General Plan within three years  Limit costs to under $5 million

4 Planning & Community Development Department Recommended Implementation Strategy Based on City Council direction, the revised strategy would be a three-year effort that focuses on the following:  Develop new citywide Zoning Districts  Update each Specific Plan with tailored development regulations  Revise as necessary existing design guidelines and consolidate them to establish Citywide Design Guidelines  Conduct focused community outreach 4

5 Planning & Community Development Department Recommended Implementation Strategy Consultant work is estimated to cost approximately $4.8 million The following revisions were made to the work program:  Refined the scope of work for the Design Guidelines  Eliminated technical studies, such as economic analysis, for each specific plan area  Reduced community outreach effort 5

6 Planning & Community Development Department General Timeline: 6 Citywide Zoning Districts Form-Based Bldg Typologies Specific Plan Update Process Environmental Review Process Design Guidelines YEAR 1 YEAR 2 3 Adoption Phase Develop & adopt new citywide Zoning Districts Research & develop form-based building typologies Review & create template for Specific Plans Start environmental review process Develop Specific Plans Develop & adopt citywide design guidelines Finalize & adopt all 8 Specific Plans Finalize environmental review Community Outreach Recommended Implementation Program

7 Planning & Community Development Department Zoning Districts:  Create new citywide Zoning Districts to correspond to each new Land Use (LU) Designation identified in the LU Diagram of the LU Element  Update the Zoning Code & Map 7 Implementation Program

8 Planning & Community Development Department Form-Based Development Regulations:  Examine the existing built environment and development pattern across the City  Explore the use of form-based development regulations (i.e., building typologies)  Create a range of development regulations that focus on site design and building form, and relationship with public realm  These development regulations would inform the creation of:  Tailored development regulations to each specific plan area 8 Implementation Program

9 Planning & Community Development Department Specific Plans:  Review all existing specific plans and create a plan template to ensure consistency among plans  Adjust specific plan boundaries  Revise existing development standards and where necessary create new tailored standards for each specific plan  For example, a Medium Mixed-Used density located in the Central District Specific Plan area would be different in the East Pasadena Specific Plan area  Eliminate the West Gateway Specific Plan  Create the Lamanda Park Specific Plan 9 Implementation Program

10 Planning & Community Development Department Citywide Design Guidelines:  Revise existing design guidelines as needed  Consolidate existing design guidelines found in Specific Plans and other documents  Establish a clear and common understanding of the City’s design expectations 10 Implementation Program

11 Planning & Community Development Department Environmental Analysis:  Initiate a supplement to the General Plan Update EIR to update the Specific Plans  Supplement to the General Plan Update EIR would include the following:  Notice of Preparation (NOP)  Public circulation  Response to comments 11 Implementation Program

12 Planning & Community Development Department Expenditures are estimated at this point:  Consultant work is estimated to cost approx. $4.8 million  City would go through a Request for Proposal (RFP) process to competitively seek out consultant work  Council will have the opportunity to approve contracts in excess of $75,000 once proposals are submitted and reviewed Funding sources:  Grants Awarded = $1.9 million  General Plan Maintenance Fee & Building Fund = $2.9 million 12 Estimated Expenditures

13 Planning & Community Development Department Next Steps Prepare multiple Request for Proposals to solicit consultants to work on the following key tasks:  Management of the overall work program  Create form-based building development regulations  Develop citywide Zoning Districts  Update the Specific Plans  Revise as needed existing design guidelines and consolidate them into one citywide document  Conduct the environmental analysis 13

14 Planning & Community Development Department Alternative Strategy As an alternative approach, in an effort to implement the General Plan as expeditiously as possible and minimize costs, the following tasks could be eliminated:  Exploration of form-based development regulations  Modifications and consolidation of existing Design Guidelines The refined work program would focus on:  Creating new Zoning Districts to implement the General Plan  Revising all of the existing Specific Plans to reflect new Zoning Districts 14

15 Planning & Community Development Department Interim Solution for Existing Projects In response to questions raised on the January 25 th City Council meeting to allow an applicant to submit an application for a development that complies with the General Plan with respect to use and density (i.e., FAR) but may not meet existing specific plan and other zoning regulations (i.e., height, setbacks, etc.)  Applications would be reviewed on case-by-case basis  Would include a discretionary process to ensure future development is consistent with the vision of the General Plan  Based on Council direction, staff can develop an appropriate process to be reviewed by the Planning Commission for future City Council consideration 15

16 Planning & Community Development Department Recommended Implementation Strategy Recommend that Council endorse the recommended implementation strategy as follows:  Update seven of the existing Specific Plans and establish a new Specific Plan with tailored development regulations by plan area  Develop new citywide Zoning Districts and update the Zoning Code and Map  Revise as necessary and consolidate existing design guidelines to establish Citywide Design Guidelines  Conduct focused community outreach  Complete the work program within three years 16

17 Planning & Community Development Department General Plan Implementation Strategy City Council February 29, 2016

18 Planning & Community Development Department Comparison of Estimated Expenditures 18 Task3 Year Program4 Year Program Consultant Program Advance Work (i.e., technical studies) $ 60,000$ 110,000 Specific Plan Updates$3,820,000* Approx. $475,000/specific plan area $4,285,000** Approx. $535,000/specific plan area Zoning Code and Map Update$ 425,000 Update Citywide Design Guidelines$ 490,000$ 690,000 Contract PlannersTBD ($600,000) 3 planners for 2 years @ $100,000/year $1,800,000 6 planners for 3 years @ $100,000/year Total$ 4.8 million$ 7.3 million *Includes the preparation a supplement to the General Plan Update EIR for the Specific Plans ** Includes the preparation of three grouped EIRS for the Specific Plans

19 Planning & Community Development Department Slides from last Council meeting City Council January 25, 2016

20 Planning & Community Development Department Implementation Strategies 20 Streamlined UpdateRecommended UpdatePhased Update 3 year program4 year program6 year program Revise existing specific plans in one phase Amend each specific plan with tailored development standards in one phase Re-vision specific plans in two phases Establish citywide design guidelines Create new zoning districts to correspond to each new Land Use Designation & update the Zoning Code Create new zoning districts to correspond to each new Land Use Designation & update the Zoning Supplemental EIR or 1 EIR for all specific plans Geographically grouped EIRs for multiple specific plans Individual EIR for each specific plan Focused outreach Extensive outreach $5.2 million$7.3 million$8.2 million

21 Planning & Community Development Department 21

22 Planning & Community Development Department General Plan Implementation Council adopted the General Plan Update in August 2015  Comprehensively updated the Land Use & Mobility Elements of the General Plan 22

23 Planning & Community Development Department General Plan Implementation City must now focus its attention on aligning existing development regulations & guidelines with newly adopted General Plan 23

24 Planning & Community Development Department General Plan Implementation State Law requires consistency between the General Plan and Zoning Land Use Element included an Implementation Program with a number of action items  Focus is on bringing the City’s Zoning Code and specific plans into conformance with the General Plan  General Plan Adoption Follow-up  Update the Zoning Code  Update each specific plan  In addition, the City would be establishing new citywide Design Guidelines 24

25 Planning & Community Development Department Looking Back at Past Implementation  Updated the Zoning Code  Established 7 Specific Plans  Created Design Guidelines 25 1994 General Plan Revision Adopted 2004 General Plan Update Adopted Implementation of the 1994 General Plan took approximately 11 years to complete

26 Planning & Community Development Department Analysis of Alternative Strategies 26 Staff analyzed 2 other strategies:  Streamlined Update Strategy  Phased Update Strategy Scope, timing, and cost of specific plan updates differ significantly under these strategies

27 Planning & Community Development Department Streamlined Update Strategy  Implements the General Plan within 3 years  Updates the Zoning Code & Map  Establishes citywide Design Guidelines  Revises each specific plan instead of comprehensively updating them  Updates policies and plan boundaries to bring into consistency with the General Plan  Does not include tailored zones and development standards by specific plan area  Under this approach, for example, Medium Mixed Use density would be the same across specific plan areas  Focused community outreach  Least expensive alternative with estimated cost of $5.6 million 27 Analysis of Alternative Strategies

28 Planning & Community Development Department Phased Update Strategy  Implements the General Plan within 6 years  Updates the Zoning Code & Map  Establishes citywide Design Guidelines  Re-visions each specific plan in two phases  Establish new policies, direction, and goals  Refine zones and development standards  City would have to prioritize order  Expansive community outreach effort  Most expensive alternative with estimated cost of $8.2 million  Due to costs associated with individual EIRs and outreach 28 Analysis of Alternative Strategies

29 Planning & Community Development Department  Alternative strategies do not effectively balance the needs of accomplishing the goals & policies of the General Plan with achieving the desired work program in the most expeditious manner  Streamlined Approach  Does not provide tailored zoning by specific plan area  Phased Approach  Takes longer to complete (approx. 6 years to complete)  Would have to prioritize which specific plans get updated first 29 Analysis of Alternative Strategies

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