Anti-Semitism in Europe. Hitler’s Beliefs Hitler believed that Aryans (Caucasians not of Jewish Descent) were the Master Race and should rule over the.

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1 Anti-Semitism in Europe

2 Hitler’s Beliefs Hitler believed that Aryans (Caucasians not of Jewish Descent) were the Master Race and should rule over the rest of the humanity. He viewed the Jews as “vermin” and as “deadly poison” – he dehumanized them. He used the Jews as Scapegoats (People to be blamed for unrelated problems)

3 Hitler’s Laws During the 1930’s Hitler introduced a number of laws that persecuted the Jews, they were known as the Nuremberg Laws –These laws prevented Jews from marrying who they wanted. –They restricted what job they could have. (which made them poor) –They restricted where they could live and shop. –Many were forced to leave (Albert Einstein)

4 Hitler’s Youth Groups Many children were encouraged (later forced) to join the Hitler Youth Movement. It was a youth organization that taught Nazi ideas to young children. It was modeled on the Boy Scouts. The boys would eventually become soldiers that fought in the war.

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