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Baby Boomers Born between 1946 – 1964 (Ages 51-69) Number 450 million! (The sheer size of this group makes them an ideal target market for Soroptimist.)

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2 Baby Boomers Born between 1946 – 1964 (Ages 51-69) Number 450 million! (The sheer size of this group makes them an ideal target market for Soroptimist.) Love being involved in community projects Goal oriented Enjoy team building and working collaboratively Baby Boomers are very demanding consumers – they are the first generation to grow up with multi-media marketing and they want to be associated with a winning brand!

3 Generation X Born between 1965-1981 (Ages 34-50) Self Directed Flexible and Adaptable Technology literate Savvy about marketing and skeptical about the “hard sell” Presenting our mission and the facts of what Soroptimist clubs accomplish will be compelling to this audience.

4 Millennials Born 1982-2000 (ages 15-33) Outnumber baby boomers and are about double the size of generation x. By 2025 they will be 75% of the global workforce and are already starting to become a major consumer group Savvy about being marketed to and want to be treated with respect, not condescended to as know-nothing “kids” Goal oriented doers and can easily multitask Like the Baby Boomers they are Team players Don’t underestimate the value of bringing younger, Millennial members to your club!

5 Friends and Family Family & Friends Neighbors Co-workers Award recipients & Former members Local nonprofits or women’s groups & Donors Any one else in your sphere of influence who would be a good fit for Soroptimist and its mission of improving the lives of women and girls!


7 Safety First your guide to SIA’s membership campaign








15 Baby Boomers Recruitment Events and Tips Turn your “recruitment” events into a networking opportunity (baby boomers enjoy being with other like minded women) Ask potential members to participate in the Dream It Be It Program – Perhaps as a facilitator (baby boomers enjoy having a personal connection to the mission) Invite prospective members to participate in your club’s simple but meaningful one day project – for example assemble and donate tote bags containing hygiene and other personal items that women in need in your community might benefit from receiving (baby boomers enjoy volunteer opportunities.

16 Baby Boomers – Conversation Starters Baby boomers are known as knowledge seekers, and more and more are online everyday. Make sure your website is up to date. Don’t have a website? Check out the templates now available for clubs at Facebook is the social media of choice for Baby Boomers. 70% of online Baby boomers have a Facebook account. Create and regularly post to your club’s Facebook page. In need of content? “Share” posts from SIA and LiveYourDream.orgs Facebook pages. Flyers, brochures and additional print material tool are great ways to recruit Baby Boomers. Drop them off at places like libraries and doctors offices. Find these valuable tools at

17 Generation X Recruitment Events and Tips Gen Xers have a love of “experiences” – keep in mind that they invented “extreme sports”. Consider including them in a Soroptmist One Day project. Gen Xer’s do well at social events – themed events and wine tastings are popular. However they will not respond well to something called a “recruitment” event because it doesn’t sound like fun-it sounds like a sales pitch. Gen Xer’s appreciate the opportunity for self-development and professional improvement. Promoting the opportunity to take charge of projects within the club or step into leadership positions mean a lot to this group and they want to feel their contributions matter.

18 Generation X – Conversation Starters Texting and Email are the best way to communicate with Gen Xers. Have something fun coming up or a great way for this group to volunteer their time? Consider sending them a personal email or text. Watching online videos has become very popular with Gen Xers. Share your club’s social media channels or email to prospects. SIA has numerous videos that clubs can post to help them with their recruitment effors. See for a direct link to SIA’s social media networks including Pinterest is another social media platform gaining ground with Gen Xers. 80-90% of users on Pinterest are women! has a vibrant Pinterest page that speaks to what Soropoptimist stands for.

19 Millennials Recruitment Events and Tips Use the resources at to promote a happy, healthy, civil club atmosphere. Remember that if you are not online you don’t exist to Facebook is being used by Millennials, but more as a news source, Post events and programs the club is working on and how people can easily get involved. Invite Millennial prospects to join in hands on projects and events. Consider inviting them to participate in a meaningful one day project or in the Dream it Be it Program.

20 Millennials – Conversation Starters Word of mouth marketing influences Millennials. Make sure your members spread the word and can accurately and honestly tell others about what Soroptimist means to them and how it’s improved their own lives. Focusing on Soroptimists global scope will be very important to Millennial prospects. If your club is part of a Friendship Link, share how that experience and direct contact with women in another country has enriched your membership. These young adults see themselves as part of a global picture already. If possible, build a recruitment team of younger members to recruit Millennials.

21 Friends & Family Recruitment Events and Tips Coordinate a fun family and friends social night. Use themes to promote the event such as spending quality time together, have a girls night out, building and/or strengthening your family bonds or creating a legacy of service. Honor women in your community with a Live Your Dream award. Invite family and friends to join in hands on projects and events such as the Dream It Be It Program or a meaningful one day project.

22 Friends & Family Conversation Starters When you are in your community wear your Soroptimist pin, jewelry or other logo wear. This is always a great way to peak a potential members interest and start a conversation! Visit the Soroptmist store on the SIA website to purchase these excellent marketing tools. Consider holding an informal “storytelling” meeting where members can share experiences and get used to talking about all the great times they have together then use those stories as material for talking with recruits. Evangelize! Word-of-Mouth is the most powerful strategy for reaching family and friends!


24 Baby Boomer Characteristics VALUES Individual Choice Community Involvement Prosperity Health & Wellness ATTRIBUTES Goal-Oriented Positive Attitude Adaptive to a Diverse Workplace Focus on individual choices and freedom WORK STYLES Confidence in Tasks Emphasize team-building Seek collaborative, group decision making Avoid conflict

25 Generation X Characteristics VALUES Contribution Feedback & Recognition Time with manager Autonomy ATTRIBUTES Adaptability Independence WORK STYLES High-quality end results Productivity Free Agents See self as a marketable commodity Technically competent

26 Millennial Characteristics VALUES Marketing & Branding Self is important Self-expression is more important than self control Seek to balance lifestyle & work, with more focus on lifestyle ATTRIBUTES Adapt rapidly & are resilient Crave change & challenge Create constantly Global in perspective Accept others of diverse backgrounds WORK STYLES Need to know how everything fits together Exceptional multi-taskers Seek flexibility in work hours & dress code Want to know how what they do fits into the big picture

27 Member Retention

28 Articles Bring On the Zing: Listening to Members= Happy and Healthy Clubs Light A Fire - Add Glow to Your Meetings Team Building Within Your Club Old Habits Die Hard Mom was right when she said, "Play nice with others!" Membership Moment Videos Video: Change: The Only Thing We Can Count On Video Script: Engaging Members Find these and many more in the Preparing for New Members and Healthy Clubs Resources section of your “All Aboard the MemberSHIP” campaign site.


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