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Caherleaheen National School Playground Games. Cat and Mouse Everyone stands in a circle and joins hands. One child is chosen to be a cat and another.

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Presentation on theme: "Caherleaheen National School Playground Games. Cat and Mouse Everyone stands in a circle and joins hands. One child is chosen to be a cat and another."— Presentation transcript:

1 Caherleaheen National School Playground Games

2 Cat and Mouse Everyone stands in a circle and joins hands. One child is chosen to be a cat and another to be the mouse. The cat chases the mouse in and out of the circle.

3 Four Corners ! The children run to a corner. Each one is named 1-4. A number caller is chosen and stands in the middle with eyes closed. He/She calls a number from 1-4. Whoever is in that corner is out. Everyone runs to a different corner continues until one person wins.

4 What’s the time Mr. Wolf! Choose I child to be Mr. Wolf, the child stands at one end of the hall with their back turned to players. Players chant together on a line, ‘What’s the time Mr. Wolf’. If wolf replies 8 o clock, players take 8 steps towards wolf, 1 o clock = 1 step, dinner time = players have to turn and run back to den. If child is caught they are then Mr. Wolf. If no child is caught they have to be Mr. Wolf again. If child reaches Mr. Wolf, tap on shoulder and run for home.

5 Duck, Duck, Goose! Everyone stands or sits in a circle A chosen player walks around the circle and touches each person on the shoulder As they walk around, that person names each child they touch duck, duck, duck At some point they say: Goose The goose then chases the namer round the circle They race to be first back the empty space The person who loses starts the next round

6 Queenie Eye Oh! One person turns their back to the group They throw a ball/beanbag back over their heads to the group One person catches/gets the ball/beanbag Each child puts their hands behind their backs while they all chant: Queenie Eye Oh. Who has the ball? Is she big or is she small, does she drive you up the wall. The child on has to turn around and guess who is holding the ball behind their back

7 Cops and Robbers 2 children are on – Cops They have to chase and catch the other children – Robbers If the cops catch the robbers they bring them back to den – Jail But other robbers can free the robbers that are in jail When all the robbers are caught the first two robbers that were caught are then on as cops

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