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Sarah’s Birthstone Gems A PowerPoint presentation of minerals.

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1 Sarah’s Birthstone Gems A PowerPoint presentation of minerals.

2 Birthstones Birthstones are gems that are picked to represent the twelve months of the year. Each month has a different stone. This stone is said to be special to those who were born that month. Originally, birthstones represented the twelve tribes of Israel. In Exodus, it describes the Breastplate of Aaron as having a different stone for each of the twelve tribes of Israel. Today many people wear their birthstones as jewelry. The following birthstones have a relationship to my family and friends, that is why I chose them.

3 Alexandrite Alexandrite is a rare gem found in Zimbabwe and Russia. It is a variety of Chrysoberyl. Alexandrite is one of the birthstones for the month of June. It changes color in different light. In daylight Alexandrite is a rich green color. At night or under artificial light it is reddish colors. On the Moh’s hardness scale it is an 8.5. Alexandrite was first found April 23 rd 1830 in the Tokovaya mine in Russia. It was named in honor of Czar Alexander II on his twelfth birthday. --Aunt Leslie’s Birthstone

4 Topaz Topaz is the birthstone for November. Its hardness is 8. It can come in many different colors. Brown, red, yellow and pink Topaz are found in Brazil and Sri Lanka. Pink is also found in Pakistan and Russia. Topaz can also be clear, blue or green. The most famous Topaz is the giant gem found in the Portuguese crown. Blue Topaz is man made and is also the official gem for the state of Texas. Topaz was named after the island of Topasos in the Red Sea where it was first found. --Aunt Shelly’s birthstone

5 Garnet Garnet is the birthstone for the month of January. Its hardness is between 7 to 7.5 on the Moh’s scale. Garnets come in a rainbow of colors. You can find Garnets in every color except for blue. There are even clear and black Garnets. But most Garnets are a reddish brown color. Garnets are found all over the world in places like Kenya, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Brazil, India, Madagascar, Canada and the United States. In the US you can find Garnets in many states, even North Carolina. Most Garnets come from Africa. Garnets were named by the ancient Greeks because the gemstone reminded them of a pomegranate seed. --my best friend Kathryn’s birthstone

6 Opal Opal is the birthstone for the month of October. It is also my birthstone. Opal are mineraloids which means they are not a true mineral. Opals lack a crystal structure and have water inside. Opals are 5.5 to 6 on the Moh’s hardness scale. Most Opals are at least 60 million years old. Opals are most often white or clear with different colored specks that fluoresce, or glow. The word “opalescence” comes from the word opal to describe the shimmering colors. The word Opal comes from the old Indian word “upala” which means “precious stone”. Opals can be found in Australia, Brazil, Mexico, the Chech Republic and in Nevada in the United States. 90% of gem Opals come from South Australia. Coober Pedy, Australia is considered the “Opal Capital of the World”. --my birthstone

7 Diamond Diamonds are the birthstone for the month of April. It scores a perfect “10” on the Moh’s hardness scale. It is the hardest mineral found in nature. Diamonds get their name from the Greek word “adamas” meaning invincible or hardest. Diamonds are found in South Africa, Brazil, and Arkansas. They can also be found in Canada, Russia and Australia. Their colors are clear, white, yellow, brown, blue, and pink. One of the most famous diamonds is the Hope diamond, which weighs over 45½ carats! It is on display at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, D.C. --my daddy’s birthstone

8 All these gemstones were picked to be birthstones because of their beauty, but they are still everyday minerals found within the Earth. Birthstones come from all over the world! Even right here in North Carolina. These gems come in a rainbow of colors, hardness and shapes.

9 People have considered birthstones special since long ago. They have been named to honor different people and places. Many consider wearing their birthstones an honor as well.


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