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The Colors of the Sea. Take a look around you, purple, red and white, everything so perfect, everything so right.

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Presentation on theme: "The Colors of the Sea. Take a look around you, purple, red and white, everything so perfect, everything so right."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Colors of the Sea

2 Take a look around you, purple, red and white, everything so perfect, everything so right.

3 In each passing tide, beams a radiant hue, sparkling rays of sunlight, yellow, green and blue.

4 The colors of the sea run together so naturally. The colors of the sea show the beauty in you, and the beauty in me.

5 Look into the ocean, near the sandy shore. Like a magic rainbow, differences give us more.

6 Painted by the sun, see the water glow. Never hide from the sunlight, Let your colors show.

7 The colors of the sea run together so naturally. The colors of the sea show the beauty in you, and the beauty in me.

8 No two friends are ever the same. Each is special, its true. You have something that makes you shine there inside of you that comes through.

9 The colors of the sea run together so naturally. The colors of the sea show the beauty in you, and the beauty in me.

10 Show the beauty in you, and the beauty in me.

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