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Taking Your FIRST® Steps Into FLL and FLL Jr. Drew McConnell Digital Learning Manager at FIRST ®

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Presentation on theme: "Taking Your FIRST® Steps Into FLL and FLL Jr. Drew McConnell Digital Learning Manager at FIRST ®"— Presentation transcript:

1 Taking Your FIRST® Steps Into FLL and FLL Jr. Drew McConnell Digital Learning Manager at FIRST ®

2 Introduction Digital Learning Manager at FIRST ® Background –Computer Science –Educator Passionate about helping kids learn to learn

3 Frustrations What was the most frustrating thing when you started an FIRST LEGO League or FIRST LEGO League Jr. team? 2 minutes to write answer

4 Frustrations What was the most frustrating thing when you started an FIRST LEGO League or FIRST LEGO League Jr. team? Please share 2 minutes to write answer

5 Advice What is one piece of advice you would give to a new team? 1 minute to write answer

6 Advice Discuss with 2-3 people around you and come to a consensus on the more important advice.

7 Advice Discuss with 2-3 people around you and come to a consensus on the more important advice. Please share

8 Barriers Barriers to new teams: –Too much information –Scattered information –Too complicated –Lack of continuity between programs

9 Solution Solution: –Simplify work for new coaches –Provide guide from Challenge release to competition –Create continuity between FLL Jr. and FLL FIRST ® Steps

10 FIRST Steps Weekly step-by-step guide for new coaches Instructions for all administrative tasks Activities for Project and Robot Game Kids are hard. Includes suggestions for: –Managing kids –Facilitating discussions –Maintaining order

11 Weekly Modules Each weekly module includes: –Core Value Teamwork Activity –Step-by-step process for Project and Robot Game –Debrief –Field Research –Adaption for younger vs. advanced teams –Printable version

12 Lost at Sea Get with 3-4 people around you.

13 Lost at Sea Challenge: Your team is shipwrecked and stranded on a lifeboat. Write down five items you want to have with you in order of importance. You have 5 minutes to complete the list. Go!

14 Reflection How did you narrow your list down to five items? How did you decide on the ranking for each item? Did you have disagreements? If so, how did you deal with them?

15 Metacognition Metacognition: thinking about ones thinking Reflection develops metacognition Metacognition develops lifelong learning

16 Schoology Hosted in Learning Management System allows for: –Collaboration with other coaches and FIRST staff –Quick and on-going improvements Schoology accounts are free Instructions in registration email

17 Schoology Schoology Demonstration

18 Other Notable Features Host a monthly webinar Standards alignments included for school teams

19 Suggestions What could FIRST Steps include that our content currently lacks?

20 Questions

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