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RSP University of Hertfordshire Research Archive UHRA ….‘real life self-archiving’ Farnham 1 st November 2007 Monica Rivers-Latham

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1 RSP University of Hertfordshire Research Archive UHRA ….‘real life self-archiving’ Farnham 1 st November 2007 Monica Rivers-Latham

2 UHRA project JISC funding until March 2009, £60,000 for embedding project DSpace, self-archiving interface established Full-text journal articles as PDF’s, pure OA. As of Nov 07 800 items Second project strand retrospective content gathering to generate ‘critical mass’ Using a workflow database behind the scenes Team in place: Director, Contracts and Licences Officer, Advocacy, IT support, Project Officer

3 Embedding UHRA Research Committee endorsement of a mandate to deposit E-Theses submission process via Research Office Official training through Staff Development Unit Help and support information via StudyNet Marketing materials Full time Project Officer is contacting individuals, getting permissions and submitting retrospective content so as to encourage use of UHRA

4 StudyNet help

5 Real life Mandate to deposit has not been formalised Decisions by Heads of Research Institutes made in isolation from their researchers Limited attendance at official UHRA training Mixed messages from LIS confuse researchers UH Rebranding exercise has halted marketing materials Reliance on dedicated project officer to generate ‘critical mass’ Turnover of project team, vacancies

6 Case Study 1: Rob Astrophysics Research Student Profile:pro Open Access used to work in LIS Issues: Students can’t currently self-archive One of 15+ authors. Prefers to use arXiv Progress:E-thesis submission process Paper to Research Committee Content from arXiv Research supervisor training

7 Case Study 2: Marc Pharmacy, Professor Profile: New School of Pharmacy teaching focused Issues: Prolific eg. 30 articles, 10 publishers per year. Publishers won’t let him self-archive. Doesn’t keep pre/post Progress: Added to help and support info Content for RAE ROMEO and JULIET in training

8 Case Study 3: Marion Education lecturer Profile: nominated by research lead to ….. ‘deal with UHRA’. Issues: knew nothing about OA, concerns with plagiarism on the web. Progress: OA education session lunchtime seminar Rewording of contact emails from project team. Step-by-step instructions written in addition to DSpace screen instructions

9 Questions we get asked Main themes: 1. Publishers permissions and copyright 2. University requirements 3. Versions PDF’s or preprint/postprint 4. Scholarly communication

10 …as for self-archiving Head of SSAHRI Research Institute leads by example Individuals who are provided with training are self-archiving PhD students are a captive audience We still have a mountain to climb …...

11 Real life self-archiving

12 Current ongoing plans Targeted subject based training/seminars Eg. Business School, Health Research Institute lunctime sessions Rolling programme of training with research management endorsement Push for formal mandate through Research Committee Look at accepting other formats into the archive Be prepared to take every opportunity to publicise to UH researchers and be proactive Be prepared to repeat the message over again The glass is half full …..

13 Any questions ? and …..Contacts Gill Hall UHRA Project Officer Monica Rivers-Latham Research Support, UHRA Advocacy Link to UHRA:

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