6/26/2016 European Qualifications Framework Tekijän nimi.

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1 6/26/2016 European Qualifications Framework Tekijän nimi

2 6/26/2016 EQF in nutshell 8 hierarchical levels range from non-skilled worker to senior experts and managers based on learning outcomes and competences

3 6/26/2016 EQF covers all lifelong learning Compulsory education Vocational training. Higher education Formal, nonformal and informal training Petri Lempinen

4 6/26/2016 Learning outcomes Three kinds of learning outcome Knowledge Skills Personal and professional competences Role development Learning competence Social competence Professional competence

5 6/26/2016 Qualification Qualification is achieved when a competent body determines that an individual’s learning has reached a specified standard of knowledge, skills and competences. Petri Lempinen

6 6/26/2016 Framework of frameworks European framework to enable national and sectoral qualifications frameworks to relate and communicate to each other Aims to create confidence and trust Need to develop national qualifications frameworks that are based on learning outcomes. Petri Lempinen

7 6/26/2016 EQF Level NQF Level N User country A Sector QF level N User country B Existing zone of trust New zone of trust Supported by European level principles and tools, e.g. Principles for quality assurance, for recognition of non formal and informal learning;tools such as Europass, Ploteus Metaframework

8 6/26/2016 EQF for Mobility To enable and promote mobility of workers at European labour market learners at European LLL area Petri Lempinen

9 6/26/2016 Needs of stakeholders Help individuals to navigate within and between different systems. Authorities and institutions to position and compare their learning offers. Common reference for authorities recognising education and training Voluntary framework for sector organisations

10 6/26/2016 Replace existing national systems Descripe particular qualifications or learning pathways Define new qualifications EQF does not Petri Lempinen

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