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Alexandra Costa Artur ANKARA 24.02.2014 ECVET a link to learning mobility.

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Presentation on theme: "Alexandra Costa Artur ANKARA 24.02.2014 ECVET a link to learning mobility."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alexandra Costa Artur ANKARA 24.02.2014 ECVET a link to learning mobility

2 Geographical Mobility Mary is preparing a qualification in is own country She does a learning period in another country, based on clearly defined unit of LO She is positively assessed Her credit is recognised on return back and included in her qualification.

3 Geographical mobility - sectoral approach Cars, tools and equipment are similar in Europe industry Partner training centres define common units of learning outcomes Based on these units recognize mobility can be more easy – clarity over learning outcomes and assessment. Trust between partners Independent of in which partner centre the students studied, the unit can be recognised and included in the qualification

4 Lifelong learning In X sector, people have discontinued studies but they acquire skills that are useful for other professions in the field They can move from one sector to another They can increase the level inside a company or sector From different types of education Different level Different sectors

5 Levels of qualifications rising Labour force by qualification 2000-20 (millions) Source: Cedefop, 2012 - Overall in Europe, numbers of people with medium- and high-level qualifications will continue to rise, - Young people will have higher qualifications than the older workers who retire.

6 Learning all the time…in different contexts Formal - Courses/Vocational Education/Continuous Training ( on job/ e- learning…) Non-formal – Conferences/ Seminars/ Business visits/Study visits Informal - Colleagues/Peers/Google/Blogs/ COP/Professional articles/Customers/ Suppliers/ Newspapers, TV radio…

7 Learning in different contexts Gain qualification in current times – changes – need of adaptation – Learning pathways Not necessary to replicates aspects of prior achievement in studies/ training Impossible waste talent, time and financial resources How the VET systems answering to these ???


9 Perspectives For the VET System How to capitalize all the learning ? A need of openness, flexibility and transparency Does your VET system enables and are prepare to that process?

10 Perspectives For the individuals / enterprises / training providers Individuals ease the recognition of competences gained during mobilities and/ or non- formal and informal

11 Perspectives -Enterprises benefited from clearer profile of candidates during the recruitment and easier decision- making on how much additional in-company training is needed.

12 Perspectives Training Providers benefited from improved quality and attractiveness of their courses either due to increased international partnership and offered new ways of learning. Offering the experience of learning

13 ECVET ECVET promotes geographical and professional mobility support Transfer, Recognition and Accumulation. Helps to validate, recognize and accumulate work-related skills and knowledge acquired during a stay in another country or in different situations. These experiences contribute to qualifications.

14 ECVET A tool - not an objective. One of several EU instruments. A set of concepts ( ECVET Technical Specifications) to support the systems and open VET to the Labour Market A call for dialogue - involvement of all stakeholders A look inside a VET system to check the challenges


16 VET System What is achieved by implementing ECVET? Is a parallel process to NQF and LO approach, validation and recognition of non-formal and informal learning Qualifications are more valuable when they are built on a shared and explicit understanding

17 The common EU tools Loukas Zahilas

18 EQF Level 1 EQF Level 2 EQF Level 3 EQF Level 4 EQF Level 5 EQF Level 6 EQF Level 7 EQF Level 8 Country A Country B Q Q Q NQF/ NQS Q Q Q Q

19 ECVET objectives and technical components

20 But Difficulties of applying ECVET methodologies (calculating credit points) Differences and misunderstandings in ECVET using terminology Education and training providers are “worried” of a learning outcomes approach Resistance of national stakeholders

21 How to translate ECVET core principles and Technical Specifications into practical processes to enable to be used by VET practitioners at all levels That’s the challenge and the opportunity to adapt a VET system

22 Sources to help


24 ECVET Magazine

25 ECVET Team website


27 NETECVET toolkit

28 ..

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