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I. Thesis II. Causation III. Iberian Colonies IV. French Territories V. English Colonies VI. Conclusion.

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5 I. Thesis II. Causation III. Iberian Colonies IV. French Territories V. English Colonies VI. Conclusion

6  Areas where colonization was driven primarily by profit, like Brazil and Mexico, exhibited extensive racial mixing. On the other hand, areas where colonization was driven by ideology, like early British Colonies in North America, exhibited limited racial mixing.

7  Historians look for unexpected causes  Cross-Theme Causation  In this case, an Economic Cause = Social Phenomenon


9  Iberian = Spain/Portugal


11  Extensive mixing  Similar in Brazil and Spanish colonies  Creole dominance  Stereotypes emerge

12  Born in Spain, living in America  Pure Spanish

13  Spanish descent, born in America  Minority but dominant colonial social/racial class

14  Spanish/native mix

15  Spanish/African mix

16  Black/native mix

17  Offspring of Wolf and Native-mix

18  What is my thesis? Explain three pieces of evidence used to support my thesis.  Why was there a high level of racial mixing in Iberian colonies?  What were the dominant racial/social classes in Iberian colonies?  What racial/social classes were subjugated?  What problems might this cause?

19  Limited settlement  Low colonial population  Few, if any, French women traveled  Limited slavery except in Haiti

20  The Metis  Fur Traders with Native Women

21  Similar to Mestizo

22  What factors caused racial mixing in French colonies?  Were French colonies as racially diverse as Iberian colonies? Why or why not?

23  Religious Motivation  Extreme Calvinists  Emigrated as a community

24  Limited mixing  Fear of Natives- savages  Captivity Narratives

25  What factors limited racial mixing in English colonies?

26  Write a comparative paragraph defending the following claim: Unlike Iberian colonies, British colonies developed less racially diverse communities. For example,… However, in ____________, … Perhaps the reason for this difference was…

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