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By: Dillon Harrison, Christopher Owens, Priscila Olague, Aaron Pacheco English 1311 (Assets have been included within this presentation) Shot # Tell me.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Dillon Harrison, Christopher Owens, Priscila Olague, Aaron Pacheco English 1311 (Assets have been included within this presentation) Shot # Tell me."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Dillon Harrison, Christopher Owens, Priscila Olague, Aaron Pacheco English 1311 (Assets have been included within this presentation) Shot # Tell me what scene number this is. Ex. Shot # 1 Action: Explain what is happening in this scene. Ex: Title Page Sound: Will you have music playing over this scene? If so what is the title of the song? Ex. This scene will have no music playing over it. Notes: Explain the purpose of this scene. Ex. This scene is meant to introduce the documentary’s title, and the members of our group. Amount of time for this frame: Ex. 3 seconds will be spent on this frame.

2 Each year, 17 to 22 million animals are used for research purposes. Among these purposes is the testing of products we use every day. This includes everything from cleaning solutions to cosmetics. Shot # 2 Action: Animal testing statistics fade in upon pictures depicting the treatment of animal test subjects, sorrowful music playing in the background. Sound: Song “Soul Longing” (fading in) Notes: This is meant to introduce the audience to animal testing as well as to demonstrate the relevance of the topic and build our ethos. Amount of time for this frame: Approximately 7 seconds will be used on this scene. Each statement will fade in individually from the right and glide to the left for 2.5 seconds before fading out and a new one fading in from the right.

3 Animal test subjects endure anything from “draze tests” that blind them to skin irritation test that corrode their bodies. Statistics indicate that 50% of animals used in cosmetics testing die two to three weeks after initial experimentation. Shot # 3 Action: Description of animal test fade in atop pictures depicting these tests Sound: Song “Soul Longing” Notes: This scene employs our pathos as we describe what animals go through while showing visual representations. Amount of time for this frame: Approximately 5 seconds will be used on this scene. Each statement will fade in individually from the center and will glide downwards for 2.5 seconds before fading out and a new one fading in from the center as well.

4 Innocent creatures die painful deaths so that we may have something as meaningless as a tube of mascara. Shot # 4 Action: Emotional argument is made as more images of mistreated and deceased rodents form the background. Sound: Song “Soul Longing” (fading out) Notes: This is meant to establish the deaths and treatment of animal test subjects is not justified by the products they are associated with. Amount of time for this frame: Approximately 3 seconds will be utilized for this scene. Text will fade from the center and remain there for 3 seconds before fading out.

5 The scientific community acknowledges alternatives to animal testing and several Europeans countries strongly oppose animal testing with the United Kingdom decaling it illegal since 1990. Shot # 5 Action: Evidence refuting the justification of animal testing is expressed accompanied by more emotionally charged pictures of animal test subjects. Sound: Song “Running Up That Hill” (fading in) Notes: This is meant to provide an introduction to the question we are about to ask as well as serve as a tool to make the audience question the motives of animal testing. Amount of time for this frame: Approximately 2.5 seconds will be used for this shot. The text will fade from the bottom and move upwards for 2.5 seconds before fading out.

6 Why do we continue? Shot # 6 Action: We pose a moral question atop a black background to emphasize its importance. Sound: Song “Running Up That Hill” Notes: This section question the perpetuation of animal testing and serves as the beginning of another argument we are about to make deeming the reasons behind animal testing as immoral themselves. Amount of time for this frame: Approximately 3 seconds will be used on this shot. It will face in from the center, stay there, and fade out after 3 seconds.

7 Companies declare it their ultimate goal to move away from Animal testing but do nothing to move towards this goal. It is simply cheaper to test animal than to invest in technologies that could not only spare the lives of these creatures but give more accurate results as well. Shot # 7 Action: We are answering the question we proposed in the previous slide atop video of the results of animal testing. (videos follow this slide and have not been edited.) Sound: Song “Running Up That Hill” (fading out) Notes: This is meant to answer the question we posed earlier and give the audience indication that in reality there is no good reason for continuing animal testing. Amount of time for this frame: Approximately 3 seconds will be used for this shot. This text will fade in from the center right below the previous text as the videos we acquired begin to play.


9 Companies partaking in animal testing include: (we have not yet decided on the length of the list for this section. We will be taking the named of these companies from For more information visit experimentation/animal-testing-in- depth.aspx Shot # 8 Action: We are bringing light to the companies that partake in animal testing by fading in a scrolling list of the most popular. Sound: Song “In Remembrance” (fading in) Notes: This is meant to expose those companies partaking in animal testing as well as provide a reference point for those interested in the subject. Amount of time for this frame: Approximately 3 seconds will be used for this shot. This text will fade in from the center and scroll up.

10 It is time to stop animal testing. Shot # 9 Action: Here we propose our final and most powerful argument as pictures of animal test subjects once again form the background. Sound: Song “In Remembrance” Notes: This is meant to propose our stance. Throughout the presentation we have presented the information and supporting evidence and now we offer a solution. Amount of time for this frame: Approximately 3 seconds will be used for this shot. The test will be in the center of the screen after the scrolling organizations that precede it. It will remain here for three seconds and fade out.

11 I declare that the use of photos, images, videos, and information in this academic/reference/scholarly work is for purposes of research and advocacy according to Section 107. This documentary may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. I am making such material available in an effort to advance understanding/awareness of animal testing and believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. Shot # 10 Action: We present our fair use statement Sound: Song “In Remembrance” Notes: We acknowledge the work we utilized was not entirely ours and explain our motives for employing it. Amount of time for this frame: Approximately 5 seconds. It will fade in from the center and remain there for five seconds before fading out.

12 Information acquired from Buzzle. (2012). Animal Testing Statistics. Retrieved from statistics.html People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. (2012). Retrieved from Images and video courtesy of International Association Against Painful Experiments on Animals. (2012). Cosmetic Animal Testing Pictures. Retrieved from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. (2012). Retrieved from Music provided by Schreer, S. P. Soul Longing. On Piano Solos Vol 3. Slattery, P. J. In Remembrance. On Dark Dimensions Vol 1. Bush, K. (1985). Running Up That Hill [Recorded by Placebo]. On MEDS. (2006) Shot # 11 Action: our references will scroll up ward from the bottom Sound: Song “In Remembrance” (fade out) Notes: We reference those sources whom we have gather information, photos, videos, and musi Amount of time for this frame: Approximately 5 seconds. The information will begin at the bottom and scroll its way up as the music fades.

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