© 2003 Daniel E. Mayne, Sr., M.A. © Daniel E. Mayne, Sr., M.A. The Bible God’s Covenant’s With Mankind Noah Read Genesis Chapters 6-9.

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1 © 2003 Daniel E. Mayne, Sr., M.A. © Daniel E. Mayne, Sr., M.A. The Bible God’s Covenant’s With Mankind Noah Read Genesis Chapters 6-9

2 Once sin entered the world with Adam ad Eve, it continued to infect others  God made Adam and Eve out of love in his image and likeness  They were to show their love by obeying his command  They disobeyed out of pride and original sin entered mankind Cain their first son was a ‘tiller of the soil” Abel their second son was a ‘keeper of flocks” Abel offered his best to God and Cain was envious Cain killed Abel out of anger

3 When God saw how great was man’s wickedness on earth…he regretted that he had made man… Genesis 6:5 …

4 But Noah found favor with God…so God told Noah to build an ark and bring two of each living animal……. Seven days from now, I will bring forth rain for forty days and forty nights

5 Trailer from Noah’s Ark Film

6 After 40 days, Noah sent out a raven, and then a dove 7 days later who returned with an olive leaf; and 7 days later he sent it out and it did not return. Genesis 8:6-12

7 Covenant with Noah Genesis 9  God blessed Noah and said: “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth..”  I set my bow in the clouds to serve as a sign of the covenant between you and me,

8 Second of the Seven Covenants Genesis 6:18 I will establish my covenant with you and your sons. Genesis 9: God blessed Noah and said “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth Genesis 7:1 Go into the ark, you and all our household. Genesis 9: I set my bow to serve as a sign of the covenant between you and me.

9 Jesus fulfills the Covenant with Noah CreationNoahJesus Builds an arkBuilds his Church 40 days and nights of rain prepare for a new creation 40 days and nights of fasting and penance prepare for our new creation Creation begins with water The new creation begins with water Our creation begins with water God tells Adam and Eve to “be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.” God tells Noah and his family to “be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.” Jesus tells us to “make disciples of all nations,” i.e. “to fill the earth with Christians”

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