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Genesis 1:1 illustrated. Earth without form Let there be light.

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Presentation on theme: "Genesis 1:1 illustrated. Earth without form Let there be light."— Presentation transcript:

1 Genesis 1:1 illustrated

2 Earth without form

3 Let there be light

4 Earth and seas

5 vegetation

6 Sun, moon, and stars

7 Fish and fowl

8 Living creatures

9 Genesis 1:26 illustrated

10 Man created out of dust

11 Have dominion

12 The garden of Eden

13 Man in Eden

14 Tree of life

15 Tree of knowledge

16 Adam names animals

17 Woman created

18 The first marriage

19 One flesh

20 Serpent speaks to the women

21 Woman answers the serpent

22 Serpent answers the woman

23 The woman deceived

24 Adam sins

25 Trying to hide from God

26 Where art thou?

27 Who told thee?

28 Adam’s defense

29 The woman’s defense

30 The serpent cursed

31 Genesis 3:15 illustrated

32 Prophecy: death.

33 Woman’s punishment

34 The ground is cursed

35 Man’s punishment

36 Genesis 3:20 illustrated

37 God makes clothing

38 Man driven out

39 Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel

40 Cain and Abel sacrifice to God

41 God talks to Cain

42 Cain kills Abel

43 The curse of Cain

44 Cain and his wife

45 Wickedness in the world

46 Noah

47 Noah with plans for ark

48 Noah building ark

49 Animals entering ark

50 Noah and family enter ark

51 The Ark raised by the flood

52 The water recede

53 Dove sent from Ark

54 Dove with olive branch

55 Dove sent out third time

56 Ark on dry ground

57 Animals outside Ark

58 Noah offers sacrifices

59 God bless Noah

60 The bow of promise

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