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Census – Summer 2016. Agenda Overview School Census 2016 Dummy Run Create and Validate Return Break Identify and analyse validation errors Detail and.

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Presentation on theme: "Census – Summer 2016. Agenda Overview School Census 2016 Dummy Run Create and Validate Return Break Identify and analyse validation errors Detail and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Census – Summer 2016

2 Agenda Overview School Census 2016 Dummy Run Create and Validate Return Break Identify and analyse validation errors Detail and Summary reports Review how to return the census via COLLECT

3 Dates for Your Diary Census date will be Thursday 19th May 2016 Deadline for returns is Wednesday 8th June 2016 Schools need to have upgraded to version 7.168 of SIMS and to have applied the latest file set.

4 Census – A Brief History The School Census involves three collections each year - October, January and May October Census is the main census as it is used to gather pupil numbers which are used to determine school budgets. The January return is used by DfE to determine Pupil Premium. The May return collects all pupil and school data and although not used for funding is still important.

5 What is the data used for? Census data is used for / by: funding purposes underpins RAISEonline and the performance tables departmental policy divisions other government departments local authorities external agencies educational researchers Therefore data accuracy is highly important.

6 Guidance Notes The DfE Guidance Notes define what is collected in the census and why. They can be downloaded from the DfE website (via link on Czone). We are issuing Capita’s Guidance ‘Producing the School Census Summer 2016 Return’. We will also make available Capita’s Guidance ‘Preparing for the School Census Summer 2016’, which gives more in depth information on how to prepare your data in preparation for a return. Guidance notes will be available on the Data Returns page on Czone.

7 Privacy Notices Under the Data Protection Act 1998, all schools must inform parents/carers that they hold personal data about each pupil, and explain how the data is used. Schools therefore need to send the parent or carer of every pupil a Privacy Notice. Schools should issue the Privacy Notice as part of their general publications and communications. E.g. Induction pack, school diary, School Prospectus. It could also be posted on the school notice board. The school website or learning platform is an ideal place to publish the Privacy Notice.

8 Youth Support Services Agreement This data item used to be known as Connexions Assent, and can be found in the Additional Information tab of the Student details. Schools are legally required to pass information to the Youth Support Service for pupils in or approaching the age of 13. Parents (or pupils) can opt out of this arrangement in respect of data other than names, dates of birth and addresses. The Privacy Notices include a section on Youth Support Services which inform parents (and pupils) of their right to opt out. If the parents/pupil opt out, that needs to be recorded in SIMS. Any reports from the census data can then take that into account.

9 Unique Pupil Numbers (UPN) All pupils must have a Unique Pupil Number. Pupils entering the maintained sector for the first time need to have a UPN issued by SIMS. Please do not use temporary UPNs. However, any pupil that has previously been in a maintained school should already have a UPN, so please do not issue a new one. If the previous school can’t supply the UPN, the Local Authority should be able to, as we can access the National Pupil Database. Please contact us by Secure Email at:

10 Changes from last year DfE now checks school information against school data held in EduBase. If the data does not match an error will be reported in COLLECT but may not appear in SIMS. Check that the SIMS school panel information matches EduBase, in particular “Establishment Details”.

11 Top-up Funding Indicator This relates to statemented pupils, on roll, on census day for whom a school receives top-up funding from the local authority. There are about 1,800 such pupils in East Sussex schools so most schools will have at least one. Statemented pupils who are in Band 02 or above are the ones for whom top-up funding is received. Schools receive a monthly School Revenue Report which includes a High Needs tab listing the statemented pupils by band. All pupils in special facilities would be deemed to be receiving top-up funding.

12 High Needs Top-Up Funding Report

13 Adopted From Care This relates to pupils on roll on census day who were looked after immediately before adoption, or being placed on a special guardianship (SGO), residence (RO) or child arrangement order(CAO). It will be up to those who have parental responsibility to decide if they wish schools to know whether such children come under any or these categories The Pupil Premium Plus of £1,900 per pupil will be paid for any pupils recorded in the census as Adopted from Care.

14 Free School Meals (FSM) NOT to be confused with School Meal Taken (UIFSM)! The DfE use it for the pupil premium, £1320 per primary pupil and £935 per secondary pupil this year. The FSM team in Children’s Services send a full list of eligible pupils via AnyComms at the beginning of each term. Any changes to this are sent out (also via AnyComms) every Friday. Check these lists carefully and amend SIMS accordingly. The Pupil Premium will also be paid for any pupil who has been eligible under the ‘Ever 6’ arrangements.

15 Service Children These are children whose parents are Service personnel serving in regular HM Forces military units.

16 Hours for Early Years Pupils Funded Hours relate to pupils who are funded under the free entitlement to education for under 5’s. Hours at Setting are the number of hours the same pupils spent in education provision at the school irrespective of who funded the hours. The Hours at Setting cannot therefore be less than the Funded Hours.

17 Funded Hours 4 year olds attract a maximum of 25 funded hours a week, 2 and 3 year olds attract a maximum of 15 hours a week. All 4 year olds (i.e. reception pupils) in East Sussex are entitled to be full-time so schools should record 25 hours for each. Schools should record 15 hours for most 2 and 3 year olds, although some may be doing less.

18 Hours at Setting There is no maximum number of Hours at Setting for 2, 3 and 4 year olds. Schools will generally record the same number of hours for 2, 3 and 4 year olds as for Funded Hours. Hours funded under the free entitlement (EYEE) + Any additional hours funded from other sources (E.g. Parents) = Hours at Setting

19 UIFSM – School Dinner Taken School Dinner Taken by pupils on census day is now collected and will inform the DfE of take up, and influence future payments. The collection is restricted to Reception, Y1 and Y2 (and those aged four to six, not taught in a national curriculum year in Special Schools). The panel records pupils who have taken a universal infant free school meal (UIFSM) on census day.

20 …and now Produce your return using your live data…………………….

21 Thank you. Any questions?

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