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WELCOME TO 4 th GRADE! The 4 th Grade Team Melissa Bloomrose Erin Dean Son Greenwood Laura Lewis.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME TO 4 th GRADE! The 4 th Grade Team Melissa Bloomrose Erin Dean Son Greenwood Laura Lewis."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME TO 4 th GRADE! The 4 th Grade Team Melissa Bloomrose Erin Dean Son Greenwood Laura Lewis

2 Montclair Elementary: Teaching and Learning the MI Way and Using our Lifeskills Everyday ! Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences At Montclair, we call them “Smarts!” 8 Smarts: Word, Number, Art, Nature, Body, Music, People, Self Integration of all “smarts” into curriculum Quality Lifeskills: active listening, caring, cooperation, courage, effort, flexibility, organization, patience, personal best, respect

3 Montclair is a Baldrige in Education School Integrate tools to collect DATA as they set performance GOALS and track their PROGRESS Students become accountable and responsible for their own learning & behavior PRINCIPLES... Responsible for own learning/ Response-able to the success of the class Class Vision and Mission, Quality Student, Quality Teacher, Quality Assignment, Quality Parent Each student has a Self Smart Binder, where we record data, make goals, and reflect throughout the year. They are sent home at end of each quarter.

4 Montclair is an Olweus School This is our second year. The staff received a refresher training during our work week. We have weekly class meetings to discuss issues such as respecting others, being a community, bullying prevention, reporting, and standing up for others. The Block Party was a huge success!

5 MES Discipline Policy Purpose: ensure safety and security of all students while creating a positive learning environment Quality Principles, Guidelines, and Lifeskills Red Discipline Binder: Levels of Behavior/Infractions, Tiers of Intervention, Consequences Grade-level think sheets, Encore think sheets, Administrative think sheets, Office referrals 4 th Grade Communication Card

6 Student Recognition Quality Lifeskill tickets Monty Gotcha Stickers Fun Fridays Quarterly Fun Day Zero Hero Assembly

7 Fourth Grade Curriculum

8 Math Math concepts include: Multiplication/Division Geometry Place Value Fractions/Decimals Measurement Data/Graphing/Probability Functions, Patterns, Algebra We use the blended approach of Math Investigations, Virginia Math Connects, and supplemental resources, as adopted by the school board.

9 LANGUAGE ARTS PWCS adopted Benchmark Literacy, which is a program for reading instruction and word study. With Benchmark Literacy, we will still have guided reading groups and we will still use Daily 5. The only change is our word study program. For writing, we are using the “Empowering Writers” program and we will have quarterly writing prompts with a different focus each quarter.

10 SCIENCE The Scientific Method Natural Resources of VA Weather Electricity Energy Solar System Plants Ecosystems

11 SOCIAL STUDIES The Geography of VA (5 regions) Virginia History (1600 to present) Government and Economics

12 Encore (“Specials”) New this year: Day 5 is Smarts Day. Students rotate through the 5 smarts of PE, Music, Art, Library and Guidance with 4 th graders from other classes.

13 TYPICAL DAILY SCHEDULE Brain Breakfast Social Studies/Science: 60 minutes, alternate daily Math: 75 minutes, divided into whole-group instruction, small group instruction and practice, peer practice, independent practice, online activities, and student-led projects Recess and Lunch Language Arts: 90 minutes with Daily 5 format: mini- lessons, guided reading groups, Read to Self, Read to Someone, Listen to Someone (computer), Word Work, and Work on Writing. Core Extension: 30 minutes of Language Arts extension or practice; students will go to different teachers and staff members every few days. Math Intervention: 30 minutes of Math extension or practice; students will go to different 4 th grade teachers.

14 TESTING SOLs: Virginia Studies, Math and Reading – May/June Unit testing - at the end of each Science, Social Studies and Math unit SOL simulations, PWCS Benchmark assessments, Benchmark Literacy assessments DRA2 – reading level assessment AimsWeb reading and math assessments

15 Grading Letter grade scale You’ll see grades on assessments, classwork, and some homework. Parent Portal: see grades online NHI in gradebook means “not handed in” and is a zero. Turning in assignments late is better than never turning them in! EX means “exempt.” Fix-It work

16 HOMEWORK Assigned each night MATH– Daily Math Review ½ sheets Monday through Thursday READING – 20 minutes each night, recorded on Reading Log, signature due on Friday morning WORD STUDY – finished packet due on Fridays In 4 th grade, homework often involves studying. Studying is especially essential for science and social studies. Students will often have a study guide and flashcards for each unit.

17 HOMEWORK, cont’d If a homework assignment is missed, the student is responsible for turning it in the next day he/she is back. If the student is out two days, he/she has two days to make up the work, etc. Homework that is not received, the student will receive a 0 (NHI). If there are special circumstances, please let me know.

18 ATTENDANCE Due to the extensive curriculum in the 4 core areas, each school day is packed with new information. Therefore, it is extremely important that students arrive on time and ready to show their smarts.

19 Home/School Connection Monty Folders go home on Wednesdays. This has notices, letters, and other information from Montclair, the PTCO, and organizations approved by Mrs. Soltis. Each Friday, students will receive their graded/checked work. Look for papers to sign and return. Work with a grade on it is recorded in the grade book. To stay updated on your child’s behavior and homework completion, look at his/her Communication Card in the Homework Folder. Communication Cards need to be signed and returned on Monday. Don’t sign until your child has completed the Reflection portion of the Card.

20 From the Clinic: All medications, including cough drops, must be distributed from the health clinic. Medicated Chapstick is considered a medication. Regular Chapstick is OK to have in the classroom. We are a nut-free grade level. No products made of peanuts or tree nuts, or products made in a factory where nut products are made, can be eaten in our classrooms. Please check labels!

21 Snacks and Celebrations Due to late lunch, students can eat a snack sometime after Encore. Healthy snacks are encouraged, according to the PWCS Wellness Regulation. No soda in school. Any food or snacks for birthday celebrations will be shared at lunchtime, in the cafeteria. Let us know if you’d like to do something special for a birthday, like being a “guest reader.” Party invitations are not distributed in classroom, unless everyone in the classroom is invited.

22 Need More Info? Check out our Fusion pages and sign up for Parent Portal. Call, email, come have lunch with your child! Please let us know if you have any concerns or questions throughout the year.

23 THANK YOU ! Thank you for coming! We’re off to a great start and we are looking forward to a great year working with your children. Please walk to your child’s classroom, where specific questions can be answered and you can sign up for a conference time on Tuesday, November 4.

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