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GREEN AFRICA YOUTH ORGANIZATION. Blog: Tel: +233-(0)-541-688-618.

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Presentation on theme: "GREEN AFRICA YOUTH ORGANIZATION. Blog: Tel: +233-(0)-541-688-618."— Presentation transcript:

1 GREEN AFRICA YOUTH ORGANIZATION. Blog: Email: Tel: +233-(0)-541-688-618. Ghana, West-Africa.

2 OPPORTUNITY Ghana is a rapid developing country with more demand for organic markets, ornamental gardens for recreation, and flowers during occasions. Due to unavailability of fertile soils this demand has not been met and people keep on buying plastic/rubber flowers. Eco decoration is the solution and the opportunity we see to resolve this problem and improve standard of living for citizens.

3 MANAGEMENT TEAM We are made up of the best environmental science experts and soil research professionals. Our team posses a diversified knowledge background cutting a cross all fields needed for the implementation of this venture. We are honest, dedicated, hard working, self motivated and vigilant. We spot the problem and we provide the solutions.

4 PRODUCT Eco Decoration using soilless plant medium is the solution to the current demand for flowers and roof top gardening. The product is a mixture of coconut coir and rice husk to provide organic vegetables and flowers for roof top gardening – an innovative climate adaptation system for Ghana. This idea is robust and requires funding for start up.

5 MARKET SIZE Annually about 20% of all urban residence citizens income goes into flowering gifts and purchase of organic vegetables. This number is expected to rise, immediately there is a source of natural flowers and fresh organic farm markets in urban areas. The market is a young venture arising from the development of the country and the acceptance of diverse cultures, the market size and segments will shoot up rapidly whiles products are available on market.

6 BUSINESS MODEL Revenue will be raised the outlined processes a)Eco decoration service fee. b)Marketing of garden products – flowers, organic vegetables and crops. c)Occasional Recreational Activities at the project site which attracts a fee. d)Merchandising of soilless planting medium to home gardeners. e)Rooftop gardening consultancy.

7 COMPETITION The market of this venture is competitive since the trading of rubber flowers and some GMO products have already been accepted by many people. However, the existing market provides no educational section and thus, customers do not know the implications of the products they purchase. Already, there is high demand by literates for organic vegetables of which some request for their personal rooftop gardening- the solution to their problems.

8 MARKET STRATEGY Internet and social media publicity Proposition distribution through on-net interaction and toll free consultancy Public education and advertising of the need to combat climate change as well as eating healthy Occasional hyping of natural flowers as gifts

9 TRACTION We have already completed the research workshop on the possibilities of eco decoration on different building materials and geographical variations. We have two climate groups supporting the venture by subscribing to the service for the offices We have an academic institutional partner of which the idea is yet to be communicated to the institutional leaders to accept the venture as part of the core functions – teaching and learning.

10 FUNDING REQUEST With current market size an ability to function well for customer satisfaction, an office, an exhibition park is a necessity – where product can be well exhibited to attract customers. A total amount of US$ 20,000 is required for the acquisition of land/park, office and supplies, seedlings and plant medium preparation, transportation of raw materials, equipment and branding.

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