ITeach Communicating and Collaborating with Outlook Calendar iTeach iTeach Session 4.

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Presentation on theme: "ITeach Communicating and Collaborating with Outlook Calendar iTeach iTeach Session 4."— Presentation transcript:

1 iTeach Communicating and Collaborating with Outlook Calendar iTeach iTeach Session 4

2 Focusing Questions How do I use Outlook Calendar? How can using Outlook Calendar make us more effective?

3 Instruction

4 Framing The Session We will be continuing our work in Outlook, this time focusing on the Outlook Calendar. One of the strength’s of Outlook is that the email and calendar functions work well together.

5 Teaching Accessing OWA on the web:

6 Guided Practice An email was sent to each participant requesting a meeting. Notice that the icon looks like a calendar instead of the normal email icon that looks like an envelope. Double-click on that message to open it. At the top of the meeting request window, you will see your choices for responding, “Accept”, “Decline”, or “Tentative”. Respond to my request however you would like.

7 Work Time

8 Participants will send one practice meeting request. Participants will set up their schedule in Outlook.

9 Share

10 What discoveries have you made about using Outlook Calendar effectively? Share

11 Please bring to Session 5 planning materials for a minilesson you will really be teaching in the upcoming year. Sessions 5-12 will be devoted to enhancing this minilesson through the use of technology. Important

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