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Integrating with the University-wide Athena SWAN Group where we are going.

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1 Integrating with the University-wide Athena SWAN Group where we are going

2 Alison Rodger BSc (hons), PhD 1985, Sydney Research Fellow, Newnham College, Cambridge Research Fellow, St Catherine’s, St Hilda’s, Oxford Glasstone Fellow Warwick since 1994: Biophysical chemist: polarized light spectroscopy of DNAs, proteins etc. Director of EPSRC-funded Doctoral Training Centre and of Warwick Centre for Analytical Science Guided Warwick to University and WMS Bronze, and Chemistry and Physics Silver AthenaSWAN awards. Maybe others??? Only female academic in chemistry > 11 years

3 Why bother? We can get on to a hobby horse of political correctness but why should we even bother to consider gender equality in SET/STEM? Figures suggest there is an issue, but does it matter? Will addressing it make Warwick a better place in terms of –happiness –productivity –finances –reputation

4 Warwick University AthenaSWAN paperwork: what academic grades are female staff in? (Men make the total to 100%) Steering (Top University committee) is ~1/3 female 5 6 7 8 9 All SET=STEM

5 Quotable quote Both men and women benefit from good practice, but women are adversely affected by bad practice more than men Sean McWhinnie Ex. RSC

6 Surely we’re past all this? At a job interview in 1988 I was asked what would happen if I had children — it was deemed a reasonable part of a selection process 2012 at a dinner at Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences I was asked by a senior US colleague “Who are you with?”

7 What happens to women? Two aspects of % of women decreasing with seniority: –women leave –women are not promoted. Changing either requires a culture change which won’t happen unless academics are committed to the concept. Not imposed from above or by admin. Gender equality What is gender equality? (not 50:50 in SET)

8 Barriers specific to women?? Athena SWAN process highlighted trends—data have been extremely useful as it has overturned long-held prejudices. At least in chemistry, it is obvious we preferentially lose women during their post doc time. Aspects to this: on average women like to work more collaboratively and academia wants to know what individuals do. So women often feel lonely. The key transition stage, where every academic’s career becomes unique, is when many women consider having children and sadly with is often seen as “either/or”. Women tend to push themselves forward less than men— often because we don’t realize what the ‘rules’ are.

9 Who is responsible for what? In our case we really only got our first AthenaSWAN awards because one HR person in physics and I were convinced we should and did most of the work. BUT … Had to have a group that linked into all SET departments + people who were willing to try to lead their departments to change. Had some effect in all depts. The support of our DVC & PVC was essential for getting the application and the action plan approved and are essential for doing anything about the action plan. Individuals have to be prepared to challenge friends and colleagues about inappropriate behaviour. Equality and Diversity committee—keep us legal.

10 Where are we now? NIHR declarations took us institutionally from being positive and encouraging about AS to being more directive. We have a University AS Steering Group: –Chaired by the PVC for Knowledge Transfer, Business Engagement and Research (Science & Medicine) –Members: chairs of faculties of science and medicine; AR; HR people (~50:50) –Role is to decide policy and bully/sweet talk departments into getting going –Meets termly probably plus summer –Reports to Steering and E&D

11 Athena SWAN network (Scientific Women’s Academic Network) Grew from the original University Self Assessment Group Informal, meets once or twice a term over coffee or lunch Good representation across our 10 STEM departments Desperately dependent on SB’s energy and organisation Enjoyable, sharing of ‘best practice’ ‘To do’ agenda of supporting AS applications Members play some role in their department activities, often leading it Has a researcher representative, academics, HR, administrators, not enough men

12 Departmental committees Chemistry had an AS Self assessment group. After we got silver this was changed to Welfare and Communication Committee to –Make it part of normal departmental business (not an add-on) –Avoid the ‘why fuss about women?’ question –Address head-on our two biggest problems at the time –Meets 1 or 2 times per term –Chaired by HoD WMS, WMG also have W&C. Psychology has AS SAG. Physics has Juno committee. Others are getting going and are yet to decide what to call it.

13 Terms of reference of W&C To promote a positive working culture and collegiate environment within the Department of Chemistry. Responsible for facilitating effective communications within the Department. To take forward the Action Plan from the Athena SWAN and PULSE survey, encouraging participation from all members of the Department. To provide reports to Staff meeting and to Executive Committee when requested.

14 What is role of senior management? Lead from the top and by example: if they don’t, then they stop things happening, but it is not enough to get the academic motivated. Give time to chair meetings and follow-up Ensure AS is integrated into University business Keep us legal and consistent with University policies Listen to (and act on) me nagging them

15 What is the role of academics? Be prepared to: Consider changing ‘what has always worked’. Say past practice may not have been ideal. Help support younger, especially female, colleagues (can be a big issue for men). Put effort into doing things differently. Work together to create a more effective working environment—collaboration not competition. Stand up for changes if they are required. Must not: must expect colleagues to work harder for ‘my’ life-style choices (e.g. living 2 hours from work, having children).

16 What is role of early stage researchers? Flag issues. Not necessarily follow traditional role models. Be prepared to give time to departmental ‘life’. Ask for mentoring and give mentoring to younger colleagues. Help lead the way by working out what is essential to be a successful academic and what is simply the culture as it has always been.

17 Way forward… Think about WHY you might want to be involved in the AS process Decide what changes your department/university needs Women often prefer to work collaboratively rather than competitively — recognition for it?? Child care practicalities Women on promotions committees Women on departmental executives Identify where to put your efforts E.g. “Establishing an independent career in chemistry” one day Conference and networking event

18 My end-of-last-summer resolution To enjoy it ALL (especially people) and not look frazzled and feel hard done by

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