Sport Clubs Handbook Guide Practices. HOSTING PRACTICES All club practices should be hosted on or in university facilities whenever possible  Non-University.

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1 Sport Clubs Handbook Guide Practices

2 HOSTING PRACTICES All club practices should be hosted on or in university facilities whenever possible  Non-University facilities only justifiable when adequate University facilities are not available and/or external facilities are more financially appropriate

3 PRACTICE SCHEDULES (ON CAMPUS) Clubs will request practice times and facilities the semester prior via WIN site Club President will receive practice confirmations via scheduling coordinator  Read your confirmations carefully Priority for practice time and space will be allocated based on priority points, historical information, and scope of practice requests

4 ACCESSING FACILITIES (INDOOR) Must present WISCard upon entering Faculty/Staff must have membership to enter these facilities  Memberships can be purchased at any Rec Sports facility (various options available) Coaches/Instructors must present ID card provided by Sport Clubs Office  Only allowed access during scheduled practice times  Only allowed access to practice areas and locker rooms

5 EQUIPMENT STORAGE Limited storage space available for all clubs Must provide a copy of all padlock keys and/or combinations to locks Indoor storage facilities are only accessible during scheduled practice times  Arrange special access in advance with your student coordinator  This is to protect your club’s equipment Keep storage areas neat. Clean areas regularly.

6 FACILITY SUPERVISOR Build rapport with facilities staff inside and outside  They are there to do a job - treat them with respect Request assistance for facility set-up, accessing storage areas, maintenance issues, emergency situations  Provide adequate time for requests to be honored; arrive early to practices if needed Facility Supervisors on duty have final authority on nights and weekends

7 ACCESSING FACILITIES (OUTDOOR) Keys for Far West restrooms may be checked out from Nat Towel Room  Be sure to check out key early for events outside building hours  Competitive Sports Supervisors will check out key during all special events Limited storage available at outdoor activity spaces Limited access to water and electricity  Plan accordingly

8 LINING OF FIELDS Field linings must be requested at time of reservation  Rec Sports will paint all fields prior to season/event ›Clubs no longer must pre layout/paint fields  Must provide field dimensions when requested  Communicate with Student Coordinator if lines become faded Clubs should not line their own fields unless they have discussed this with Sport Clubs staff first.

9 PRIOR TO PRACTICING All participants must complete the Membership Consent Form prior to participation  Forms found on Club’s individual WIN page  Officers encouraged to bring laptop to tryouts and first week of practices Also encouraged to complete Health Waiver at same time

10 PRIOR TO PRACTICING CONT. Conduct an inspection of facility and equipment prior to practice  Report any major concerns to Facility Supervisor immediately (lights, facility issues, etc.)  Report general concerns to Sport Clubs following practices (field lines, time conflict, staff issues) Practices and events should be canceled if the safety of all participants involved cannot be guaranteed

11 PRACTICE ETIQUETTE Arrive & leave at your designated times  Include set up and clean up in your plans  Other clubs may have practice before/afterwards Leave the facility better than when you arrived Respect must be given:  Facilities  Staff  Fellow clubs Violations of above bullet points WILL NOT BE TOLERATED

12 PRACTICE CANCELLATION Please notify your student coordinator 72 hours in advance if your club will not have practice  Staff and lights cost money  Another club may be able to use the facility Think ahead (Don’t assume we know!)  Out of town tournament  Function/Meeting/Fundraiser  End of semester, season completed Lack of notification may result in loss of privileges and financial repercussions

13 INCLEMENT WEATHER Inclement Weather  Considerations will be made for participant safety and preserving field conditions  Staff will make every attempt to notify your club in the event of cancelling practice  Check Weather Hotline for updates: 608-262-4756, ext 4 Lightning – 30/30 Rule  30 seconds between lightning flash and sound of thunder ›Stop play for at least 30 minutes  Supervisors will make decisions to postpone/cancel during all special events

14 PRACTICE VISITS Staff presence  Assisting with Consent Forms on WIN  Assist with club concerns  Observe club activities and practices  Enforce departmental policies Verify eligibility  WISCards must be presented upon request Authority to cancel practice (weather, facility conditions, abuse/misuse)

15 PRACTICE SCHEDULES (OFF CAMPUS) Clubs practicing off campus must provide practice schedules to Sport Club Staff Clubs fall subject to policies and procedures of rented spaces  Be sure to learn emergency protocols for facilities Sport Clubs reserve the right to restrict practices off campus if need

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