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Two of Rome’s Three Heirs: Byzantium & Muslims. Byzantium.

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Presentation on theme: "Two of Rome’s Three Heirs: Byzantium & Muslims. Byzantium."— Presentation transcript:

1 Two of Rome’s Three Heirs: Byzantium & Muslims

2 Byzantium

3 The Latin Phase Justinian Theodora Hagia Sophia Blues Greens Theodoric

4 The Greek Phase Heraclius Theme Greek Fire

5 Iconoclasm & Schism Leo the Isaurian Gregory II Pepin Irene

6 “Golden Age” (842-1071) Barbarians in the West Land Food Education Artisans Plague

7 Conflict: East v. West Photius Nick I Basil II Romanus Lecapenus I

8 Crusades Alexius / Urban II Peter the Hermit Anna Comnena Osman Children’s Crusade Internal Crusading


10 Pre-Islamic Middle East Bedun (nomadic) Clan (family) Tribe (related fs) Shayk (elected) Urban Trade Oral traditions Ka’ba

11 Mecca Ka’ba Water Quraysh tribe Hashim Clan

12 Muhammad, PBUH Abu Talib Khadija Fatima Qu’ran Allah Islam Muslims

13 Early Followers Khadija Ali Abu Bakr Fatima

14 The Hijra & Community Yathrib Umma “People of the Book” Jihad Mecca

15 Death of Muhammad d. 632 Abu Bakr Prophet? Khalifa Umar Uthman Ali Rashidun

16 Islam Hadith Sunna Quran

17 Tenets of the Faith There is no god but God And Mohammad is His messenger Line of prophets (28) Angels Shaytan Jinn

18 “Five Pillars” Shahada Salat Zakat Sawm Hajj

19 Islamic Law Sharia Ulama Dhimmis Jizya

20 Expansion of the Umma

21 The First Four Caliphs Continued expansion Away from Medina Damascus Baghdad Rome? Byzantium? Persia? No converts

22 Conflict Abu Bakr Umar Uthman Shite Imam Sunni Sunna Fatima v. Aisha

23 Umayyad Empire I Muawiya v. Ali Tariq ibn Ziyad Jabal Tariq Gibraltar Spain, 711 Battle of Tours, 732 Dome of the Rock Mosque of Damascus

24 Umayyad Empire II Governors Abd al-Rahman Emirate Caliphate Fatimids Cordoba

25 Abbasid Dynasty Abu al-Abbas Baghdad Harun al-Rashid The Arabian Nights Charlemagne Mongols, 1258 Salah al-Din

26 Islamic Culture

27 Medicine Al-Razi (d. 925) Ibn Sina (d. 1037) Avicenna

28 Science Alhazen (d. 1038) al-kuhl Al-Khwarizmi (d. 844) Omar Khayam (d. 1123)

29 Literature Rubaiyat Ibn Sina / Avicina Ibn Rushd / Averroes Moses Maimonides Ibn Khaldun Plato - Aristotle - Socrates

30 Sufis Mysticism Missionaries Jalal al-Din Rumi (d. 1273) Al-Hallaj Ibrahim ibn Fatik Al-Ghazali

31 Mosque

32 Harem – “Forbidden”

33 Conclusion Heirs to Rome Western traditions Emphasis on intellect Greek thought Renaissance

34 Any Questions?

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