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Chapter Outline Chapter 7: Islam: From Its Origins to 1300 ©2006, Pearson Education, Inc. Brummett, et al, Civilization, Past & Present I. Arabia Before.

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1 Chapter Outline Chapter 7: Islam: From Its Origins to 1300 ©2006, Pearson Education, Inc. Brummett, et al, Civilization, Past & Present I. Arabia Before the Prophet II. Muhammad, Prophet of Islam III. Islamic Faith and Law IV. The Expansion of Community and State V. The Abbasid Era, Zenith of Classical Islamic Civilization VI. Islamic Culture

2 Brummett, et al, Civilization, Past & Present, Part One; Classical Origins Chapter 7: Islam: From Its Origins to 1300 ©2006, Pearson Education, Inc. I. Arabia Before the Prophet Yemen - Saba’ from eight century B.C.E. to third C.E. Commercial networks A. The Bedouin tribal organization shaykh related families ’asabiyya = common interests, collective honor ethics muru’a = manly virtue B. Early Mecca the Hijaz (“barrier”) at meeting of caravan routes Ka’ba (“cube”) Black Stone ancient temple Quraysh tribe

3 Brummett, et al, Civilization, Past & Present, Part One; Classical Origins Chapter 7: Islam: From Its Origins to 1300 ©2006, Pearson Education, Inc. II. Muhammad, Prophet of Islam (c. 570–632) marries Khadija Fatima, daughter A. Muhammad’s Message and Early Followers Qur’an records revelations Allah’ Islam (“submission”) Early Followers: Ali, Abu Bakr B. The Hijra invited to Yathrib > Madinat al-Nabi (“City of the Prophet”) umma =community jihad = struggle attempt to win converts to Mecca

4 Brummett, et al, Civilization, Past & Present, Part One; Classical Origins Chapter 7: Islam: From Its Origins to 1300 ©2006, Pearson Education, Inc. II. Muhammad, Prophet of Islam (c. 570–632) C. The Death of Muhammad 632, at Medina Succession? Abu Bakr first caliph = successor Teachings of Muhammad > hadith Practice of Muhammad > sunna

5 Brummett, et al, Civilization, Past & Present, Part One; Classical Origins Chapter 7: Islam: From Its Origins to 1300 ©2006, Pearson Education, Inc. III. Islamic Faith and Law A. The Qur’an word of God revealed to Muhammad B. The Tenets of Islamic Faith monotheism 28 prophets proceeded Muhammad The Five Pillars shahada - profession of faith salat - prayer, summoned by muezzin zakat - alms, usually 2.5% sawm - fasting during Ramadan hajj - pilgrimage to Mecca C. Islamic Law Sharia - established by Muhammad ulama - (“those who know”) interpreters, administrators of the sharia dhimmis - non-Muslims pay jizya - head tax

6 Brummett, et al, Civilization, Past & Present, Part One; Classical Origins Chapter 7: Islam: From Its Origins to 1300 ©2006, Pearson Education, Inc. IV. The Expansion of Community and State A. Expansion under the First Four Caliphs (632–661) Rashidun ("Righly Guided") Abu Bakr (632–634) Umar (634–644) Uthman (644–656) Ali Jihad meaning? 651 - control Persian Empire

7 Brummett, et al, Civilization, Past & Present, Part One; Classical Origins Chapter 7: Islam: From Its Origins to 1300 ©2006, Pearson Education, Inc. IV. The Expansion of Community and State B. Defining the Community Authority? Assassination of Uthman > Sunna and Shia Shi-ites only descendants of Prophet through Fatima Sunnis consent of umma decides C. Umayyad Rule Muawiya governor of Syria relative of Uthman takes title of caliph capital to Damascus > Umayyad Dynasty until 750 Al-Andalus Tariq ibn Ziyad Husayn son of Ali killed by Umayyad > martyr

8 Brummett, et al, Civilization, Past & Present, Part One; Classical Origins Chapter 7: Islam: From Its Origins to 1300 ©2006, Pearson Education, Inc. V. The Abbasid Era, Classical Islamic Civilization (750–1258) Abu al-Abbas (750– related to Muhammad's uncle, Abbas supported by non-Arabs Baghdad founded as center Shift from Arab domination of Islam from tribal organization geographic A. Trade, Industry and Agriculture no tariff barriers B. The Spectacular Reign of Harun al-Rashid (786–809) Charlemagne used against Umayyad

9 Brummett, et al, Civilization, Past & Present, Part One; Classical Origins Chapter 7: Islam: From Its Origins to 1300 ©2006, Pearson Education, Inc. V. The Abbasid Era, Classical Islamic Civilization C. Challenges to Abbasid Authority (Umayyads - al-Andalus, from 756 Fatimids - Egypt) Seljuk Turks take Baghdad, 1055 Turco-Mongols Chingiz Khan Egypt Fatimids Ayyubids Salah al-Din, founder (1169–1252) Mamluks (“slaves”) (1250–1517) military officers overthrow Ayyubids

10 Brummett, et al, Civilization, Past & Present, Part One; Classical Origins Chapter 7: Islam: From Its Origins to 1300 ©2006, Pearson Education, Inc. VI. Islamic Culture A. Advances in Medicine 900–1100 - high point in learning Abu-Bakr Muhammad al-Razi (d. 925) On Smallpox and Measles Ibn Sina (980–1037) (Avicenna) Canon of Medicine B. Progress in Other Sciences Al-Hasan ibn al-Haytham (d.1038) work on optics benefited from Greek and Hindu work Euclid, Ptolemy Al-Khwarizmi (d. c. 844) Arithmetic Arabic numerals Algebra Omar Khayyám (d. c. 1123) C. Islamic Literature and Scholarship Arabian Nights Omar Khayyám's Rubáiyát Ibn Sina Aristotle and Islam Ibn Rushd (d. 1198) (Averroës) Córdoba commentaries on Aristotle Moses Maimonedes Guide to the Perplexed Judaism and Aristotle Ibn Khaldun (d. 1406) "father of sociology"

11 Brummett, et al, Civilization, Past & Present, Part One; Classical Origins Chapter 7: Islam: From Its Origins to 1300 ©2006, Pearson Education, Inc. An Islamic Map of the World VI. Islamic Culture D. The Sufis tasawwuf = mysticism (suf = woolen clothes of early mystics) Jalal al-Din Rumi (1207-1273) E. Art and Architecture prohibitions against representation Alhambra, 1248–1354

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